Iray preview now freezes/unstable (old PC, Win 11)

Hello, so I've been using Daz for about half a year on my admittedly old-ish PC (i5-4440, 1050Ti, 16 GB RAM) and before, on Windows 8.1, it obviously got slow when trying to preview/render a scene with a lot going on, but especially when the scene was still very simple (i.e. a [barely] dressed character with no other objects and simple lighting) the Iray preview worked quite smoothly, and it was even mostly possible to make quick changes on the fly and see the results without having to switch views.
I had to "upgrade" last month, as my HDD was dying, and I am now on the same PC, but with a new SSD and Windows 11 (new PC is in the plans but yeah, that's not pocket money). I know 11 is supposed to use a bit more resources than 8.1, but I have not noticed this in anything else, and the system and all other applications only clearly work faster and are more stable. Daz Studio, however, seems to have got far worse - switching to the Iray preview almost always takes ages (i.e. at least 10 seconds) even in a very simple scene and sometimes it freezes up in the meantime. It is also often difficult to switch back to the texture shaded view once Iray starts, as the application seems almost unresponsive, or something weird happens, such as all the Daz windows blinking/switching around (I have content library and such in a separate pane). Before, I understood there were clear limitations with my current PC but it was definitely enjoyable to use, especially when I planned how to do as many things as possible before throwing everything into the scene, but now it's as slow in a very simple scene as it used to be in a complex one with a whole environment and multiple light sources.
Any ideas, or are there any settings I can change to make this work more smoothly? I don't even mind if the Iray preview is lower quality (but I need it as obviously many things look very very different than in other views), but I tried to change the few options I could find related to performance/hardware, but nothing helps. This is the only program that now works notably worse, and it is strange.
Is this the nwe release, If so please look at, and post to, the reklease thread - though I would check exactly which driver you are using.
It was still on 4.21 when I reinstalled, and the new version doesn't seem to have changed anything. The drivers are 537.42 (so I think new-ish).