A script that would merge attributes

I would like to see a script which would merge two characters into one creating a new character. Let me explain what I mean. Assume I have two G8M characters and I used different morphs on these two characters. I would like a script that would go through the dial-ins and merge the morphs into a third character. For example, let's say Character 1 has hercules dialed in at 50% and swolen dialed in at 20% while Character 2 had swolen dialed in at 100% and hecules nit dialed in at all. The new Character would have hercules dialed in at 25% and swolen dialed in at 60%.
The script would go through every setting of the two characters given and create a third character with the settings as an average of the two given.
See example below

If the characters don't have a single slider you could ceate one (right-click to put the Parameters pane in Edit mode, apply the first character, right-click in the parameters pane>Create New proeprty, label it etc., set it to 100%, right-click>ERC Freze; zero that and go on to the enxt character). Once you have a slider for each characters justs et them all to 100/number of characters. You can then adjust the values as desied to get the final look you want.
I did this ...
right-click to put the Parameters pane in Edit mode
but I don't see ths ...
right-click in the parameters pane>Create New proeprty
It should be the last item in the menu. Except that it is Property, it is unfortunate, considering how often I use it, that that is a word I invariably mis-type.