IRAY render error

I ran into a bug with version 4.22. I didn't have this problem with the previous Daz version.
I thank you in advance for any help.
Important part of log file:
2023-11-14 16:48:51.556 [WARNING] :: : Iray [ERROR] - IRAY:RENDER :: 1.0 IRAY rend error: No device specified or usable
2023-11-14 16:48:51.556 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER :: 1.0 IRAY order info : Rendering with 0 device(s):
2023-11-14 16:48:51.556 Iray [INFO] - IRAY:RENDER :: 1.0 IRAY order info : Rendering...
2023-11-14 16:48:51.556 [WARNING] :: Iray [ERROR] - IRAY:RENDER :: 1.0 IRAY rend error: No worker to render with: aborting render
2023-11-14 16:48:51.556 [ERROR] Iray :: Internal rendering error.
I don't understand what's wrong with Daz because:
I tried with both
Nvidia Driver: 546.17 Game
Nvidia Driver 546.01 Studio
Two character renders, only the gray texture, the process icon is constantly loading.
I use these settings
I know that my Video RAM is low by default, but this one was enough for two characters. However, it seems that he is not using it properly now.
When I use this setting, the rendering works fine, but it seems to me that my rendering is slower.

I have a 1660 - it chokes on even a single, nude figure never mind two plus clothing - I ama fraid that is probably your issue, try rendering a simple cube and see if that works (after restarting Daz Studio to free up the memory).
Okay, the cube is fine.
Now I tried it again with two other figures and it's fine.
Then I returned to the mentioned figures, it was problematic again.
Yes, I also think that there is something wrong here. He doesn't like something about the models.
It doesn't use all the Video RAM.
I didn't have this problem with the previous version.
Anyway, thanks for the help!
I'll push Allow CPU Fallback on it, and it will work.
It looks like you are running out of VRAM, the 2703 MB's of VRAM used on the third picture is the baseload by windows, DS and the scene plus the geometry, when it has tried to fit the textures in VRAM, there hasn't been enough and it said "No can do"...
The textures for the clothing and hairs are probably too big for your GPU
When you try the two problematic figures, are you opening a scene or loading them fresh again?
Sometimes, especially if we force-close Daz Studio, something in a saved scene file can become corrupt and it will Always have issues after that - so we need to (sigh) rebuild the scene from scratch.
While this might be a bummer when it happens, it's really the only solution unless we have a similar saved scene that is not corrupt.
Even before the update, I find that closing Daz Studio to let it rest, and open it back up again makes it a lot happier.
A clear sign that I need to do this (for me because I animate Always) is if I type a value into a paremeter field and, instead of my number, it fills with 0.00
I can use the slider to get the value, but then I know that some other error is about to occur (because I think an error is in the process when that happens)
On the happy side, don't hold this against Daz Studio or its developers. Simple Daz Studio scenes are a Lot more complex than a lot of other things in this galaxy, so we shouldn't be surprised when we push it a little too far for everything else that our computer is doing at the time. So all we should do is Stay Calm and Restart. After a couple time of having to restart Studio, I'll close everything down and restart my computer as well.
Yes, thanks, it seems to me too.
Completely restarted, I start it as the first scene, it's still problematic.
But as it turned out, the error is that there is not enough VRAM.
I don't think it's a developer error or anything like that. I don't blame them, I love DAZ. I simply wanted to understand the cause of the problem.
Thank you.
<sends the hope of a beefier GPU for X-Mas>