Vo Zoe HD for Genesis 9 is breaking all my G9s...

I recently purchased Zoe and while trying to convert a custom G8M to G9M with RSSY's converter it Failed spectacularly! The end result of my G9 was a character that came in inverted at a scale of around Negative 9534, and nicely curshed skull to go along with it... Any way after TO MANY HOURS of trying to get that converter to work, i finally decided to try it manually, and this is when i noticed that both my G9 Dev load and G9 base characters were coming in at a scale of 97.8 (or .6) and had a bunch of proportions dialed in... I zeroed the the dev load figure and manually converted my character and the results were as intended.  Then went back to RSSY converter used the scene converter (zeroed G9 Dev again before starting) and results were as intended.  So then the hunt began as to what caused the problem.  I eventually narrowed it down to VOOTW charcters as the cause and then further down to Zoe herself.

The reason i could not find her as the cause of the problem by looking under CURRENT is that the her "Vo Zoe Proportions" morph comes in at 100% as Defualt (and is grayed out) so wasn't showing that it was actually in use.... So here is what you need to do to fix her:

You need to decompress the Vo Zoe_figure_ctrl_Proportions.dsf (use batch converter under window/pane and browse to it in your "data/daz 3d/Genesis 9/Base/morphs/vootw/vo zoe" Dir.  After decompressing open with Notepad ++ and change line 31 "value" : 1, to "value" :0,

if you're using notepad look for this under "modifier_library"

"channel" : {

"id" : "value",

"type" : "float",

"name" : "Vo Zoe_figure_ctrl_Proportions",

"label" : "Vo Zoe Proportions",

"value" : 1,

and again change that to "value" : 0,

I also tried to Zero that morph under parameters then erc freeze it to save it out from within daz as another option for a fix, but Daz was chewing on that for more then 5 mins so i gave up on that route, anyway someone else is welcome to try that.

of course another "Easy" solution is just to search Vo Zoe under parameters and dial that to zero manually.... I'm sure that won't get old at all having to do that for Every G9 you load...

Anyway Hope that helps someone else in the future.  Fixing the DSF is the best solution, and no i did not submit a ticket about this. Have other stuff to fix...





  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,876
    edited November 2023
    VOOTW characters seem to cause problems like this, to the point that some of us will no longer purchase them. The hassle of finding and fixing the problem is not worth it. You can find complaints about these characters throughout the forum. Thanks for the info you provided.
    Post edited by barbult on
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