Adobe has done it again...

Seems you are no longer allowed to use version older then the last 2 releases, or you could get sued.

After doing a search I came across this and it has a list of versions no longer allowed to be used. week, Adobe informed Creative,getting sued by third parties.

This video is how I first heard of it.



  • FSMCDesignsFSMCDesigns Posts: 12,783

    Good thing my older vertsion of 3DSMax won't work in W10 and I stopped using photoshop years ago.

    If Adobe went after pirates as much as they do legit license owners, they could make a huge difference since the majority of users I come across in the 3D amd game communities use pirated (or educational) versions of Max and Maya

  • I'm confused.  The video is a few days ago, but he's discussing a 4-yr-old article?  I guess he didn't know about Adobe's position until recently?

  • So it appears that this only applies to the CC versions? I bought CS6 at the time - so far as I know, the last version that was not rentware - and have steered clear of anything since.

  • This is indeed relatively old, and has been discussed before when it was first announced.

  • Oh I had not heard of it Richard so thought it was recent news, particularly since the video is only a few days old.

  • nelsonsmithnelsonsmith Posts: 1,337

    I hadn't heard about this, but I'm not, nor would be surprised.  I became a fan of Adobe when they appeared to be one of the few software companies that was pro-independent, but that changed when they went to a subscription based model.  An independent artist has to be able to own their tools. Period.  While I still use adobe products they are all versions I purchased before they went the subscription route.  Sure it's old tech, but it serves me well.

  • AllenArtAllenArt Posts: 7,172

    Affinity Photo. Just sayin' ;)

  • xyer0xyer0 Posts: 6,062

    AllenArt said:

    Affinity Photo. Just sayin' ;)

    But I love Ron Deviney's brushes; so, I'm tied to PS. 

  • AllenArt said:

    Affinity Photo. Just sayin' ;)

    I use Affinity Photo and PaintShop Pro.

    I recently considered renewing my CC sub because finding tuts for PsP is liking pulling teeth, but then I learned the annual plan for PS is now $240 compared to the $100 I paid a few years ago.  Suffice it to say, I'm stickin' with PsP.  :P

  • wsterdanwsterdan Posts: 2,419

    xyer0 said:

    AllenArt said:

    Affinity Photo. Just sayin' ;)

    But I love Ron Deviney's brushes; so, I'm tied to PS. 

    I'm using Affinity Photo and Photoshop Elements; Elements is a one-time purchase and should use the brushes without issue, to the best of my knowledge.

    -- Walt Sterdan 

  • I have a really old version of Elements on my Win7 machine and can confirm Ron's brushes work with it

  • I still use Gimp most of the time and most of the regular brushes for PS work with it.

  • xyer0xyer0 Posts: 6,062

    Thank you, @wsterdan, @WendyLuvsCatz. & @DisparateDreamer. My CC is coming up for annual renewal, and I'd looked at Elements, but I couldn't find a head-to-head feature list so I could see what capabilities I'd lose.

  • joannajoanna Posts: 1,617

    xyer0 said:

    AllenArt said:

    Affinity Photo. Just sayin' ;)

    But I love Ron Deviney's brushes; so, I'm tied to PS. 

    I use Affinity Photo and Designer, and Ron's brushes work well in both. The only thing that won't work is styles. 

  • I have a CS6 production license on my old Win7 PC, but if I install it on my new Win11 PC, I would have to activate the license there and I'm quite sure this would not work.

    I have a lot of Ron's brushes as well and so I olan to switch to Affinity Photo. Great that his brushes should work there as well.

  • BejaymacBejaymac Posts: 1,897
    edited November 2023

    Still using my old copy of CS2, bought the box version in a store many years ago, used the phone activation and wrote down the numbers they gave me, think this is the fifth version of Windows I've used it on.

    Post edited by Bejaymac on
  • SevrinSevrin Posts: 6,310

    The only brush issue with Affinity Photo is that the OLD brush archive format can be a problem.  For those, I had to extract the brush PNGs and create native brushes.  AFAIK, there's no issue with recent PS brush archives and they import fine.

    I've not bought the upgrade to the current version of Affinity Photo, and Serif hasn't sued me.  Then again, Serif is a pretty cool company.

  • I believe that I installed my CS6 - also, bought new in box at a store years ago - on a new Win 10 computer about two years ago when I was building a new backup for my production computer and had no trouble there. Have not tried in Win 11 or since then.

  • movidamovida Posts: 54


    Krita - you can import Photoshop brushes. I have it installed but haven't had time to play with it yet. It's free.

  • Nyghtfall3D said:

    AllenArt said:

    Affinity Photo. Just sayin' ;)

    I use Affinity Photo and PaintShop Pro.

    I recently considered renewing my CC sub because finding tuts for PsP is liking pulling teeth, but then I learned the annual plan for PS is now $240 compared to the $100 I paid a few years ago.  Suffice it to say, I'm stickin' with PsP.  :P

    IDK Where they list the yearly plans, but Photoshop costs less than that with the monthly photography plan ($9.99/month). That's what I pay. And you get Lightroom thrown in, if you care about that.

  • Just FYI: When I open Creative Cloud and check under my Apps. I can see options to allow me to install versions as far back as version 22.2. The current version is 25.1 so based on the chart I can go back as far as 15 versions.

    Also FYI: There is a major bug in version 25.1 ( Windows and Mac) that stops the color picker and color wheel working. If you try using the dropper tool to pick colors, the color sliders don't work.  Supposedly. Adobe fixed it in the 25.2 beta  but  until the stable release comes out, the only real fix is to go back to version 25. 

  • semperequstri said:

    Just FYI: When I open Creative Cloud and check under my Apps. I can see options to allow me to install versions as far back as version 22.2. The current version is 25.1 so based on the chart I can go back as far as 15 versions.

    Also FYI: There is a major bug in version 25.1 ( Windows and Mac) that stops the color picker and color wheel working. If you try using the dropper tool to pick colors, the color sliders don't work.  Supposedly. Adobe fixed it in the 25.2 beta  but  until the stable release comes out, the only real fix is to go back to version 25. 

    I don't think they would have any issues whatsoever with you using older versions as long as you are PAYING them the subscription devil 

  • WendyLuvsCatz said:

    semperequstri said:

    Just FYI: When I open Creative Cloud and check under my Apps. I can see options to allow me to install versions as far back as version 22.2. The current version is 25.1 so based on the chart I can go back as far as 15 versions.

    Also FYI: There is a major bug in version 25.1 ( Windows and Mac) that stops the color picker and color wheel working. If you try using the dropper tool to pick colors, the color sliders don't work.  Supposedly. Adobe fixed it in the 25.2 beta  but  until the stable release comes out, the only real fix is to go back to version 25. 

    I don't think they would have any issues whatsoever with you using older versions as long as you are PAYING them the subscription devil 


  • cgidesigncgidesign Posts: 442
    edited November 2023

    Like others I also installed my old CS6 master collection on a new Windows 10 setup - it works fine.

    And for painting I also suggest to have a look into Krita (free, open source); it's brush engine is far ahead of the Affinity one.

    Post edited by cgidesign on
  • mwokeemwokee Posts: 1,275
    Without watching the video or doing any research, I don't see how this can be an issue for the hobbyist making images for fun and personal use. If you're working commercially, the CC subscription can be tax deductible which helps with the cost. Firefly and AI have really upped my game. CC also means I am fully licensed for legal issues. Whatever you're doing, I hope it's fun for you.
  • jjoynerjjoyner Posts: 642
    edited November 2023

    xyer0 said:

    AllenArt said:

    Affinity Photo. Just sayin' ;)

    But I love Ron Deviney's brushes; so, I'm tied to PS. 

    I have a few of Ron’s brush collections.  Other software can use Ron's Photoshop brushes as well.  Earlier this year, I uninstalled Photoshop CS4 Extended from my laptop with the intent of immediately reinstalling it to resolve an issue of not being able to bring up the Photoshop Extended 3D editor.  Regrettably, I discovered that I could not reinstall Photoshop CS4 because Adobe had taken down the authentication servers years earlier.  I do not do software subscriptions so Photoshop CC was not an option.  I researched other software that could serve as a good Photoshop alternative for me as a hobbyist and settled on Corel's PaintShop Pro 2023 (It’s been on sale for most of 2023.) which can use Photoshop brush files (.abr).  Of course, I also downloaded GIMP as well as it can use .abr brushes as well.

    Post edited by jjoyner on
  • xyer0xyer0 Posts: 6,062

    I got Affinity Photo for 30% less than PS Elements. Thanks, @AllenArt, once again.

  • ArtiniArtini Posts: 9,723

    Adobe Photoshop Elements 2024 looks really interesting.


  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,256

    butterflyfish said:

    Nyghtfall3D said:

    AllenArt said:

    Affinity Photo. Just sayin' ;)

    I use Affinity Photo and PaintShop Pro.

    I recently considered renewing my CC sub because finding tuts for PsP is liking pulling teeth, but then I learned the annual plan for PS is now $240 compared to the $100 I paid a few years ago.  Suffice it to say, I'm stickin' with PsP.  :P

    IDK Where they list the yearly plans, but Photoshop costs less than that with the monthly photography plan ($9.99/month). That's what I pay. And you get Lightroom thrown in, if you care about that.

    YUP.  Folks that don't like to rent think about it... your paying just 10 bucks a month, free upgrades, you can even use the beta's for testing out new, upcoming features.  Even Firefly is thrown in to the mix with AI stuff, which I use all the time to fix up memes to share on Instagram since it PREFERS squared off images.  I've been using PS since CC when a client gifted me it (she worked for Adobe PS CC) as she was constantly late or last minute (literally) cancellations so to bribe me not to fire her as a client I got on board with this amazing program.  I've tried all the others out there from PSP and even  Gimp but always come back to PS.  So 10 bucks a month and never have to worry about forking over 100's of dollars when it's time to upgrade the program.  No thanks.  This works.  

  • takezo_3001takezo_3001 Posts: 1,998

    paulawp (marahzen) said:

    So it appears that this only applies to the CC versions? I bought CS6 at the time - so far as I know, the last version that was not rentware - and have steered clear of anything since.

    Rentware is a scourge... 

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