Ticket Request - Genesis 9 Feminine Nipples are wrongly placed and poorly detailed

in The Commons
I just logged this ticket
Request #447037 - Genesis 9 Feminine Nipples are wrongly placed and poorly detailed
To back up my claim I converted Charlotte 8 to Genesis 9 using the RSSY Character converter and rendered each character in the same pose, merged the pictures, put them side-by- side.
Did a similar exercise for Genesis 8 base.
In my opinion the Genesis 9 Feminine Nipples are pointing outward too much and are placed too low.
"wrongly placed" is a purely subjective judgement.
There is no "correct" placement as the human body has so many variations specially with a part of the anatomy that has so many shapes and sizes in the real world. That is why we have so many morphs for that for our 3d figures.
Posting to the forums won't advance your ticket. Posting before, to get feedback, might have improved the ticket.
You can google (NSFW) nude woman 25 years old standing full frontal. You will be many (thousands, millions?) pictures of nude women of all sizes and breast forms. They don't have their nipples where G9 has them.
*checks the mirror* Looks right to me.
I don't expect anything to happen. Because in my understanding the root cause is the unimesh base and the missing nipple topology. Maybe it helps for Genesis 10.
Elves don't count.
That actually allows for the nipples to be *anywhere*. You just need to find a character creator that agrees with your nipple placement opinions.
Couldn't confirm your point, but I enjoyed the search.
I still think it is silly to argue something very subjective....but since i am a character maker and have thousands of resource pics, it only took a few seconds to show all is really fine with the shape.
The photo insert is from reference photos...one of many that would fit easily (G9 base female morph)
(hopefully covered enough for Richard)