Any idea about creating corrective morph using Goz ? [Solved]

I'm trying to use Zbrsh to make corrective morphs for some extreme pose. Everything works great but the problem is by using Goz, the corrective morph I've created also includes other morphs. Like if I'm making a corrective morphs for pose A, what I got through Goz is the corrective morphs plus pose A. What I really want is only the corrective morphs. In traditional work flow(export the obj and edit, then import it back ), these problem can be easily avoid by setting Reverse Deformations to YES, when import obj as morph. However, this could be messing when using Goz. Goz is definitely time saver for sculping figures and I wonder if there is any way to make the morph creating by Goz reverse deformations ?
Problem solved, it's nor Goz or Zbrush work flow has problem, just my stupid work, never put your hands on any figure dialed on multiple imported morph.
When sending to Zbrush, it is important to have "Export with deformations" checked and "Export at current resolution" unchecked.
This way, it should work, but do not change anything in DAZ Studio, while using GoZ, except dialing the newly created Zbrush morh dial to a 100 percent.
Everything you add, that has not been dialed in, during the sending to zbrush process, will be baked into your morph target.
Thanks my friend, I do have "Export with deformations" checked and "Export at current resolution" unchecked when using GoZ, but it seems that the morph I got still including those morph I have dialed before starting sending to Zbrush process. I 'll have a try later to figured out if I might got something wrong.
Confused.... with default settings, GoZ just brings you the delta change ( what's modified in ZB ) as per what you exported. No problem at all. What do you really want ?
This doesn't really address the GOZ issue, specifically, but I've had MUCH better success simply exporting the figure out at base resolution manually, making the morph, saving it as an OBJ, and re-importanting through Morph Loader Pro.
To make it even simpler, when I create charaters I take the whole thing and break it up into different group so my hair/clothes/accessories is separate from the base figure. THis way, I can easily hide everything I don't want to export. In the end it looks like this:
Again, I know your question was about GoZ, but mine broke about 4 years ago and I never bothered to fix it once I started doing it manually. It might be worth a shot if you feel like you're struggling more than necessicary.
Thanks man, that's what I called traditional way, and it's really reliable.
You might've misunderstood how GoZ works as per the cases of " fixing corrective morphs (JCMs or cbs) " and "fixing FBM / PBM / bs, etc". The former is pose-based, so the exported morph and modified delta morph is with "a pose" , while the latter is based on the figure with zeroed-pose. The "process of fixing" is different as per what you need...
I am glad that you solved the issue; but in case this information is useful for you I would like to comment that the Advanced button at the bottom of the GOZ panel gives you more options when you are creating your morphs. See attached.
and.... if you right click on top of each selection, it allows you to choose from additional options