DS 4.22 New Timeline Behavior to be Aware of

Not that it really bothers me or anything -
I always run a buffer zone between frame 0 and 30 to allow for that one second of prep time for simulations and as a blank pose working zone for copying patial poses to other keys down the line. Very handy.
Buffer Zone = An area of timeline without any motion capture baked key frames - just a smooth transition from zero pose to the first animation pose at frame 30
Since version 4.22 update I've noticed that, when I add pose control dial values on frame 30 (or anywhere not on frame 0) Frame 0 takes on that closest value, rather than staying at default, like it used to. Folks using things like Classic Long and Curly Hair and other dForce items that truly depend on a zero-pose to start simulation really need to be aware of this.
Don't Alt-Click the value to reset it either, or you'll wipe the values down the timeline. Just selct them each in turn and type 0 into the value slot.
This should really only be a problem for the major limbs. Who really cares if there's a smile or frown at frame 0? If you do care, however, be sure to go back to frame 0 when you're all done making tweaks and zero everything.
The "new behaviour" you describe is exactly how this has behaved for the last several years for me.
yeah done it fora while for me too, what is different is now you have an extra warning dialogue because G9 messes up being zeroed