Turn off simulationed parts?

I read somewhere stating that if you have too many items to simulate you can 'turn off' certain ones and just simulate a few at a time. I thought it meant putting them into what i call 'sleep mode' where you check the little eye by it's name but when I uncheck them to see the items moved during simulation. Any ideas of another way?
Thank you in advance.
You can freeze simulated items, it's in parameter tab > simulation section. Forgive my crappy mouse drawn arrows lol
Also, one other way, which I also use a lot is simulated selected. You get to it by clicking just right of the simulate button, on the little notepage looking thingie.
TheKD, thank you. That is what I needed. And it's great I have two options. I will try it later today. Have a great week.
TheKD, thank you. That is what I needed. And it's great I have two options. I will try it later today. Have a great week.
Oh, by the way, try clicking on the two images you posted. It does something weird. I think they get hijacked.
Also know that you can select an item and, in the parameters pane go Display > Visible in Simulation, and turn it off if you don't want it to affect the simulation but still want to see it during the simulation.
Not sure what is going on with the images, imgur usually works well here for embeds
Your images above look Great to me. Cool explanation too.
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