
Has anyone ever made a Gasometer that is Daz friendly?? they would be very usefull for industial backgrounds just wondering also things like old mill chimneys and bottle ovens?

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Post edited by Pitmatic on
I can't remember seeing any, I must admit.
This one.
some pretty ones would be nice too
I have this in my wish list that I want to use for that sort of industrial background look - and even have them explore inside too
Just a similar idea perhaps, or am I way off base?
Not a gasometer, but....
or this
Wow, a whole row of Royal Albert Halls.
Same architect? Which came first? And how many holes needed to fill the Albert Hall?
Thank you @fishtales and @dartanbeck thats a very useful asset
I thought so. All those pipes, stairs, containment... Maybe this will be the week I score it and try it out.
Not so long ago I got Polish's Cyberpunk Back Alley Bundle, and that comes with a whole bunch of interesting stuff. There are, of course the awesome presets, but then there are all of the individual props that really help to deck out the scene - and I've been using a lot of them outside the scene too. Cool shadows and tid bits of foreground elements... looks really cool!