Filter by content problem

 I want to do some animation rendering on a computer that is not connected to the Internet. So I can’t use DAZ’s Install manager to install DAZ and some of its content. I have there for manually installed DAZ studio along with the genesis 3 (M & F) and their small amount of accompanying content. 

I know how to set the compatibilities, etc. in the Content DB Editor so these items will show up in the Smart Content tab and as Products in the Content tab. What I can’t figure out is how to make the cloths, hair, etc. content aware.

If I install the Genesis 3 female and I have “Filter by content” turned on in the Smart Content tab, all of the accessories etc. disappear. The only way to see and then install them on my G3 figure is to turn the “Filter by content” back off.

How do I make all of the compatible items for the Genesis 3 show up when I select her in the Scene tab like it does on my other computer that is connected to the Internet and thus I installed everything using the Install Manager?


  • GordigGordig Posts: 10,191

    You can use DIM offline. You just need to transfer the product zips over to your computer, point DIM's download and manifest folders to wherever you put them, and use DIM to install. 

  • LD1LD1 Posts: 139

    Gordig - Thank you very much for your tip! I vaguely remember reading that you can use DIM to install ZIP files, but I forgot about it. Plus, I had no idea that it could be done offline! 

    You really helped me out. I was able to install hundreds of packages/zip files in an hour or two whereas, it took me all day yesterday to install just a couple of Genesis base characters along with their accompanying (default) accessories. On top of that, it took forever to set all of the compatibility settings, etc. I was getting disheartened.

    Now all of the thumbnails show and the items are content aware. WOW! Am I pleased.

    Thanks again.

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