Santa Claus Suit and Auto-fit Corruption

In my opinion, Neftis3D's Santa Delux Suit is the best one available. Despite the untied boots, it would be perfect to have options in boots tied and untied. However, Genesis 2 Male is no longer in use because there is no Santa character to employ. Santa's suit for Genesis 3 isn't as good as Neftis3D. Genesis 9 Santa's suit is okay, but the resource is overhauled when using Genesis 9 Santa character. The hat that is not provided is a big minus. Santa Claus characters in Genesis 8/9 are more accurate. I'd like to utilize Neftis3D's Santa Delux Suit with Genesis 8 Santa's character, however, the auto-fit feature does not work with the coat. The clothing converter doesn't work either. The coat's bottom hangs from the thighs when sitting or walking poses. It is absolutely useless. Is there a way to fix it?
Is it possible for Neftis3D to rebuild the Santa Delux Suit for Genesis 8? Can anyone modify it in Blender to make the coat/pants work in any poses, and then re-save it Genesis 8?
I don't have the product.
If it fits ok in default pose, but not when posed, it is a weightmap issue. If there is an autofit template for long dresses or similar, it might work. Else you can change weights yourself.
Other people are not aloowed to modify the product and then share it.
Please post a screenshot of the result of conversion, and of your AutoFit settings.
Alright, I modified the item type to a long dress using Auto-fit as you advised. It's not perfect, but it's still better than none. However, the original G2 has superior conforming. I'll try the G8 Auto-fit and compare.
See attached. Original G2 is more realistic than the other 2 auto-fitted characters. Will the weight mapping make it any better than G8?