Conversuion of Poser clothes to DAZ clothes?

Hi all, is there something out there that will convert Poser clothing to DS clothing, please? I love Tipol's stuff especially, but other great stuff for La Femme too! TIA.


  • Poser clothes, or any other Poser items for that matter, work in Daz Studio natively. You will probably need autofit clone/s or a converter like these offered by Riversoft Arts & Sickleyield, if the clothing was made for an older generation than you want to use the items on. For example, if the Poser clothing was for Victoria 4 or Michael 4 and you use Genesis 8 figures. When it comes to shaders/textures, older Poser content usually has optimized DS MATs for 3DL render engine & you may need to apply the base Iray shader at the least.

    When installed with DIM (unsure about Daz Central), you will find the content in a separate main directory. I can't recall the exact name but it includes Poser in the name. 

    File structure is different; look under Figures/Clothing/Artist or Figures/Clothing/Model name for the mesh. Materials are usually found in either separate Materials or Poses folder (often with MAT in the file name to distinguish from figure poses).

    Note on Poser dynamic clothes: I recall reading here that these items often dForce well, but you'd have to experiment with settings, since of course it won't have any built in.


  • scorpioscorpio Posts: 8,484

    miladyderyni_173d399f47 said:

    Poser clothes, or any other Poser items for that matter, work in Daz Studio natively. ... When it comes to shaders/textures, older Poser content usually has optimized DS MATs for 3DL render engine & you may need to apply the base Iray shader at the least.


    Not 100% accurate there are quite a few things designed for Poser that don't work in DS. A lot of older content does not have anything optimised for DS's 3dl, most Poser vendors refused or could not work with DS so things needed to be converted.

    Newer stuff like La Femme is even more difficult to get to work, I believe it uses a different way of weightmapping. This is the reason why Hivewire products such as Dawn have two version one for DS and one for Poser.

  • Peter WadePeter Wade Posts: 1,642

    Conforming clothes for Poser  figures up to generation 4 should work in Daz Studio. They will ft to the Poser figures they were designed for. If you want to use them on Genesis you will need to use autofit. I think the original Geneis figure comes with an autofit clone for generation 4 figures and you can buy autofit clones for other Genesis versions and earier generation clothes.

    Poser dynamic clothes are not rigged, they are basically props and you use the cloth simulator to drape them on the figure. You may be able to use them with dForce.

    After generation 4 Poser introduced a new rigging system and clothes desigend for these figures won't pose and conform in Daz Studio. It might be possible to treat them as non-poseable props and use dForce to drape them but I haven't tried this. 

  • I have tried one or two dynamic Poser clothes, and found that the ones I tried had facet sizes that were too small to work well in DS dForce. I ended up having to scale everything up by 10x in order to get the vertex-facet proximity to be large enough to be safe from explosion. Then scaled the clothing down by 10x after simulation.



  • Matt_CastleMatt_Castle Posts: 2,676

    richardandtracy said:

    the ones I tried had facet sizes that were too small to work well in DS dForce.

    For anything that dense, I would probably look at remeshing it. How thoroughly would depend on how often I was expecting to use it, but that kind of base resolution is usually bogging things down.

    And, frankly, it'd just frustrate me. I've previously completely overhauled some products out of sheer annoyance that it could have been done better.

  • Not too bad an idea. I've really only got my own home written modeller, and haven't yet written a 'facet merge' routine for it. Maybe I'll have to. I've also got to make the 'de-triangulate' routine a little more reliable. Sometimes it merges triangles at 90 degrees to one another even though I have a check that the normal is less than 15 degrees different. Ah well, computers...




  • Wow, lots of info - thanks so much, guys! I'll have a go but suspect I don't have the patience, lol!

  • CybersoxCybersox Posts: 9,085

    Adding to what's been written here - a lot of really old poser clothes from the V3 and V4 generations and earlier don't work well as dynamic outfits or with extreme body shape conversions as the vertex edges weren't always properly welded to each other, causing the items to essentially split at the seams. 

  • tsroemitsroemi Posts: 2,904

    3DScreencraft said:

    Wow, lots of info - thanks so much, guys! I'll have a go but suspect I don't have the patience, lol!

    I like Tipol's stuff too, wish they created for DS as well. Maybe you want to try and ask them about it? I once convinced Forrester (I think) over at Rendo as well to convert some Vue only stuff to OBJ at least. Might want to give it a go (and if it works, let me know please ;-)). 

  • HavosHavos Posts: 5,404

    I have bought a handful of Tipol clothing items over the years, mostly for V4. I can only speak of those few items I own, but I find they all took dForce pretty well, and I was able to convert the item to G8F. Since they are designed as dynamic items for Poser, then they do not drop apart when draped, nor are high poly.

    To convert I have either used the Sickleyield/Riversoft Art converters (to use these you need to rig them as V4 conforming items first), or converted them manually by using a dyamic drape over a timeline where the G8F figure starts with the V4 clone dialled in to 100& then this drops to 0 at the end of the drape. The draped item at the end of the timeline can then be made into G8F conforming items using the transfer utility to rig them. Even though they are conforming, they will look at lot better draped.

    Tight fitting clothing can use an autofit clone to convert, but longer dresses and tunics tend to get mangled by autofit, so using one of the methods mentioned above should give better results.

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,723

    My Rosie 8 uses a lot of legacy clothing

    In her cyberpunk street girl attire shown here, the pants, hosters, guns, and boots are from Complicated Eve for V4, her goggles are from V4 Brazen

    I made a few clone myself, but after using those made by Daz 3d, SickleYield and Valzheimer (and MMX for Genesis 9 to All) I don't mess around anymore and just buy them.

    Ooops. She doesn't have her goggles on in this one blush


    Her Medieval Attire (Platinum Knight) is Platina Armor for V3 shown here riding Predatron's first LoRez Horse

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,723

    I still buy all kinds of legacy clothing for her to wear. I also use Fit Control and Mesh Grabber to help design them to be Rosie's own unique clothing.

    I use both dForce and VWD Cloth and Hair to make everything that needs to be dynamic. The Platina Armor simulates much better (easier on me, at least) in VWD than in dForce, while her hair is dForce all the way. Love it!!!


    Here she is with her goggles on

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,723
    edited November 2023

    Speaking of Mesh Grabber, it has the beautiful function: "Save As Morph"

    So for her goggles, I made morphs for them to be up on her forehead and also to tighen down onto her cute little face. So I can animate her putting them up and down by releasing the Up morph and then later dialing up the Tighten to Face morph. Works beautifully!

    Post edited by Dartanbeck on
  • tsroemi said:

    3DScreencraft said:

    Wow, lots of info - thanks so much, guys! I'll have a go but suspect I don't have the patience, lol!

    I like Tipol's stuff too, wish they created for DS as well. Maybe you want to try and ask them about it? I once convinced Forrester (I think) over at Rendo as well to convert some Vue only stuff to OBJ at least. Might want to give it a go (and if it works, let me know please ;-)). 

    LOL - tried that, got no reply to my question. Sadly. :)

  • Dartanbeck said:

    My Rosie 8 uses a lot of legacy clothing

    Awesome animation, Dartanbeck! Thanks for the info, too.

  • DartanbeckDartanbeck Posts: 21,723

    My pleasure. I animate her many times every single day! She's a stylized little super hero in the likeness of my wife :) The best thing that's ever happened to me was marrying that girl! She is a Real Super Hero!!!

  • tsroemitsroemi Posts: 2,904

    3DScreencraft said:

    tsroemi said:

    3DScreencraft said:

    Wow, lots of info - thanks so much, guys! I'll have a go but suspect I don't have the patience, lol!

    I like Tipol's stuff too, wish they created for DS as well. Maybe you want to try and ask them about it? I once convinced Forrester (I think) over at Rendo as well to convert some Vue only stuff to OBJ at least. Might want to give it a go (and if it works, let me know please ;-)). 

    LOL - tried that, got no reply to my question. Sadly. :)

    I see, that's a pity ... 

  • RAMWolffRAMWolff Posts: 10,256

    Converting from LaFemme to Genesis 9 will be a little bit of a headache I'm afraid.  I converted my Classic Tunic set I made for her and L'Homme over to Genesis 9 but since I work in ZBrush it was easy enough but to convert without allot of knowledge like using a clone there is no clone since those native Poser figures are not compatible in DAZ Studio.  You would have pose LF the exact way your native Genesis figure's default pose is.  Then export the clothing out as an OBJ as is and then import into DS using the Poser scale option to have them come in at the correct size for the Genesis figure, then scootch them as closely as possible to meet the figures body and the spend inordinate amounts of time using the various tools in DS to get them as close as possible then export them AGAIN as OBJ's and reimport them and then you might be able to get the Transfer Utility to get it rigged and fitted to the Genesis figure.  Sorry, no other easy way around all that.  

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