Render Dimensions Parameter Setting in Daz 4.22???

In Render Settings, why has the 'parameter settings' cog now omitted the ability to make the dimensions greater than 10 000pix? I've previously ran quite extensive testing at higher resolutions and I found that up to around 11.5K-12K was okay to render at width, at 3240-4320P[vertical] (so that's essentially the vertical size of an 8k TV/Monitor but a panoramic, approaching/up to superwide[2x16:9] style image).
Anyhow, anything more seemed to make the render engine not want to play nice, but up to those dimensions was absolutely fine, save for perhaps canvases on occasion where image quality may suffer slightly/come out more grainy than keeping within the 10K default.
Is there a solution to this? Can I get the parameter settings option back to increrase dimensions above 10K?
I know all of us (semi)serious 3D users understand the pleasures AND PAINS of our chosen hobby/profession/craft, that is to say I have sunken almost unfathomable hours into a project at these greater dimensions so forgive me if digital tears are smudging my words!!!...
Thank You in advance of your response, to anybody who has something to contribute to this...
This is discussed, and a workaround offered, in various palces in the release threads