What happened to "preview lights"

in The Commons
With the latest update (?) the preview lights function in the window menu seems to be broken. Because no matter if I switsh it on or off, it does not show the default, light-neutral picture. Which means that if I work with a dark picture, or have the camera headlight switched off everything is more or less black. Is there a way to fix that? Save for using a second camera, with headlight off just for render purpose?
It's working for me - by default it is on, and DS tries to show a previwe of the lighting in Texture Sahded mode. Turn it of (cmd/ctrl L or using the Window menu) amd it switches to a pseudo-headlamp.It doesn't do anything in Iray/Filament peview modes, it doesn't do anything for emissive lights.
But it has stopped working for me after the last update. When I have headlamp off in the camera I view through, every item is black. Save for those being emissive.
The you are not in Texture Shaded Drawstyle.