Iray Preview being very slow

I updated Daz to 4.22 and now the Iray Preview is being extremely slow. Had it running for like a minute or two and still didn't want to show the character rendered. LIterally no background or anything. Just a charater with hair and it doesn't want to show me the preview. Any way to fix this?
What is your driver version? The version of Iray in DS requires version 526.98 or later for GPU support and for dForce to work.
How do I check what driver version I have?
So it says I have this driver(10.0.22) and I just tested rendering something and all I got was a transparent background
The simplest method of getting the driver version is to right-clcik on the Windows desktop and select nVidia Control Panel - the driver is next to the name of the GPU on the home page.