Deleting Products

Checing in to see if this problem has been solved, yet. 

I have maybe hundreds of products I no longer want in my runtime. Is there still no way to actually delete the product from my hard drive (not just from the content manager, etc) other than somehow magically knowing where it scattered all it's component bits when I installed in 10 years ago, and manually doing so? Textures are a particular pain. I have almost 600GB in the texture file.


  • jjoynerjjoyner Posts: 642

    If you installed a product using DIM, you can uninstall it via DIM and it knows where all of the installed files are located so that all of them will be deleted. If you installed manually, deleting an item from the Content Library will delete it from your hard drive, but you'd have to track down all of the parts of a product in the Content Library and hard drive (such as any data files) to get them all.  When I need to do this, I used the contents of the downloaded zip file for the product as my roadmap to where files were installed.

  • DIM won't install files it didn't originally place itself - lest it break another product with which this was a shared file. So installing through DIM to get a manifest won't entirely help unless you also remove the list of pre-exisitng files (InstallManagerFileRegister.json in the root of the content directory - if you do try to remove it be aware of the potential for issues if there genuinely are shared files).

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