DAZ Install Manager from command line

Is there a way to automate the installation of specific products?

For example I would like to install package with product ID 123456 completely from the command line with something like

"DAZ3DIM.exe /install 123456" instead of opening DIM, looking for 123456, clicking install and then Start Queue.

Post edited by Richard Haseltine on


  • Moved to Technical Help as it is not a Daz Studio topic.

    You could look at how the Install option from the product Library works, though I don't think Daz suports any kind of silent, invisible installation - the security risks, especially given that DIM can handle third-party packages, are manifest.


  • OmnifluxOmniflux Posts: 389

    As Richard references, you can pass a filter to DIM, but I'm not aware of a way to automate beginning the installation.

    DAZ3DIM.exe daz3dim://filter//sku%3A%3A13176 # daz3dim://filter//sku::13176


    DAZ3DIM.exe daz3dim://download//product_id/13176 # Can include multiple SKU: 13176,13177,13178

    if you look at the DIM install links in your product library, you will see an additional (custom to your account) field in the daz3dim link. Including this field will cause DIM to auto login.

    DAZ3DIM.exe daz3dim://download/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/product_id/13176 # Replace XXXX...

    You can leave off the daz3dim: if you want.


    You may be able to use AutoHotKey or a similar program to automate the remaining necessary clicks...

  • leonardo_3285321dleonardo_3285321d Posts: 99
    edited November 2023


    Security is not much a concern in this case, because I can install the same packages with the UI.

    The best would be to have a new option for the daz3dim:// protocol.

    For example: daz3dim://install//product_id/13176 to silently install the package (if present in the Ready to Install queue).

    and daz3dim://uninstall//product_id/13176 to silently uninstall it.

    I'm developing an standalone app for organizing content called DSX Catalog, that adds some features not present in DIM. I would like to add the option to install packages directly from there without opening DIM. This new option will enable this and other scenarios.

    Another scenario for example would be the possibility to create a simple script for each project to install only what's needed or assets not used, but that needs to be evaluated as variants of a project. And a script to uninstall these things after the project is finished.


    Post edited by leonardo_3285321d on
  • If the feature were there it would be available in all contexts, and so would be available in contexts where security might be an issue.

  • I think it's right to take time to think about any security implication.

    As now I can't think of any security issue.

    Let's suppose a malware use the silent install to install a malicious package, why should do that? Can install directly the malicious package.

    An AutoHotkey or a similar software to simulate clicks can install already thing automatically too, so the silent install would be just an easy way to automate installations with simple scripts.

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