release the memory after rendering

Daz, find where the code is for the iray render and put some code that will release the gpu memory after the rendering is done. Right now that memory is not released, so if you do another (with the previous render not closed) render your 12gb graphic card is going to do nothing but sit there like a bump on a log. And that‘s is so not right!


  • There is no issue - if you don't close the render it can be resumed, so Iray needs to keep its data in memory (Iray doesn't have a suspend to offline storage option). You free memory by closing the renders.

  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,115

    Resume is a good feature by design, so there's no issue at all in terms of VRAM consumption release of geometry and texture... As for 2GB VRAM consumption by Iray Render, it will not be released untill you fully close DS. It's also reasonable.

  • artxtapartxtap Posts: 165

    "....if you don't close the render it can be resumed,..." the render is ~done~ and the image is waiting be named and saved or closed.

  • artxtap said:

    "....if you don't close the render it can be resumed,..." the render is ~done~ and the image is waiting be named and saved or closed.

    an iray render is not done - it has reached a stop condition (time, samples, or convergence) or it has been stopped by the user. Stop conditions could be adjusted, oir the user could decide to resume. It may be that you don't want to resume, but in that case you should close the window (you an always use the render Album/gallery/Editor featuers if you wish to compare images).

  • artxtapartxtap Posts: 165

    ok, if the image "done" and is waiting to named and save, how do you resume?

  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,115

    artxtap said:

    ok, if the image "done" and is waiting to named and save, how do you resume?

    You just click to open the left side panel in Render window (or in DS main window), make a change to whatever property in Render Settings, for instance, change Max Sample from current '1000' to '1050'... then click Resume.

  • artxtap said:

    ok, if the image "done" and is waiting to named and save, how do you resume?

    Edit the think that made it stop - there is a fly-out on the left side of the window, toggle half-way up - and click Resume, the button to the left of Save and Close (if you cancel the render before it is ready to stop then the button will be enabled anyway).

  • artxtapartxtap Posts: 165

    .....both of you were right Richard Haseltine, crosswind, including the 2GB VRAM consumption by Iray Render, which daz will not release from it cold dead hands, thank you.

  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,115

    artxtap said:

    .....both of you were right Richard Haseltine, crosswind, including the 2GB VRAM consumption by Iray Render, which daz will not release from it cold dead hands, thank you.

    No problem ~ since we're not able to change it, let's just carefully deal with it. The most important thing is - Happy Rendering ! smiley

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