How to make G8 finger makes "Loser" gesture with index and thumb?

JamesJames Posts: 1,105
edited November 2023 in Art Studio

Is there a simple way to make G8's fingers L gesture with index and thumb? Like "looser" finger.

If I take off the limit of up and down slider of  thumb 1, the hand makes a weird shape.

Post edited by James on


  • felisfelis Posts: 4,691
    edited November 2023

    This gesture?

    607 x 599 - 167K
    Post edited by felis on
  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,115

    Oh oh... I must be ignorant or sth... I even don't know this gesture means "a looser" laugh In my country it means the number "8" (a very lucky number means rich...), or a gun, hahaha~

    A quick way may be: ~~

    SNAG-2023-11-29 0041.png
    2019 x 1397 - 399K
  • Moved to Art Studio as it is not a Daz Studio topic. I suspect you actually mean loser (a person who loses), not looser (less tight).

  • JamesJames Posts: 1,105
    edited November 2023

    felis said:

    This gesture?


    Weird. Why my hand sometimes like get swallown betewn the index and thumb.

    Post edited by James on
  • lilweeplilweep Posts: 2,561

    you tell us.  What are your conditions/situation when this problem occurs?

    Maybe you have morph active with faulty rigging. Trial and error to test.

    Maybe you moved bones while having limits off and did something weird.

  • felisfelis Posts: 4,691

    I always try to stay within limits. If you have to exceed them, consider if the pose shouldn't be done in another way.

    The way I did it, was to dial the hand into a fist (power pose), and then straighten (unbend) the index and the thumb.

  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,115


    Weird. Why my hand sometimes like get swallown betewn the index and thumb.


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