Whereas Poser has the Morphing…
Daz 3D Forums > Software > Daz Studio Discussion>Whereas Poser has the Morphing…
Whereas Poser has the Morphing Tool, is there something like that in Dazstudio?

I love that Daz through the computer usually gets everything to fit perfectly in real time. There are still some times I might have poke thru or just want to "pull" or "push" on a mesh to alleviate the situation. In Poser this is when you would usually grab the morphing tool and act accordingly.
Let me say that I'm also aware of the smoothing modifer in Daz and setting collision items, and while sometimes it works, sometimes it does not and something is still needed to fix things. Any ideas here? Thanks.
Deformers are included in Daz Studio, or purchase Mesh Grabber.
That sounds exactly like what I needed, thanks!