Which tutorials are worth getting?

BlueFingersBlueFingers Posts: 904
edited December 2023 in The Commons

I bought only a few tutorials in the past because I was quite dissapointed by the quality and they can't be returned. I found they were rambly, lacked displaying (enough) hands-on techniques, lacked structure, offered no theoratical background, often focused on the obvious, and were long-winded. They were quite boring too, which is okay if the information is of high quality. I found the information in YouTube videos (on Daz, Cinematography, Photography, etc.) and what folks shared in the forum, gallery, and DA way more to the point and useful. And those sources are free!

Still I only bought tutorials of two PAs, and with the sale that is going on today I am wondering: Which tutorials currently on sale are worth the money getting in your opinion? And which PAs offer the best tutorials?

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  • f.boschanskif.boschanski Posts: 188
    edited December 2023

    Though i have not bought a lot of tutorials, and therefore my ability to judge is very limited,
    i could only name one that has not been heavily disappointing:
    The Magical 8-Point Light Set - DAZ Studio Tutorial

    This one, and its second part, helped me a lot when i started out caring about lighting.
    While i already had some knowledge about theory, mostly from miniature painting and you-tube tutorials,
    it obviously helps a lot to learn about the nicks and nacks within DAZ studio, that one might, or might not have discovered oneself on another day.
    I got both parts together on sale.. for 5 bucks only. Worth every cent. (though i wish the creator would have taken care about the poor sound quality for same later parts, when his mic kinda started failing -if it happens on youtube.. well, i could understand caring less. if you sell your product, one should make sure it meets a certain quality standard - not unbearable but disturbing)

    any other "purchased" tutorial so far...  not so much up to convince anyone to buy any of those


    Post edited by f.boschanski on
  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,107

    As per your need, as per your level, and choose wisely...

    I rarely buy tutorial and I only buy the tutorials with the content / knowledge that I cannot find and get from Daz site and/or internet, and the trainer must be an expert ,  like this one : https://www.daz3d.com/dforce-expert-guide--tutorial-course

    To me, I've learnt quite a lot from Daz forum, youtube and hundreds of experiment with DS.

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