Auto Muscle Enhancer HD for Genesis 8 Females.

mwokeemwokee Posts: 1,275 The promo images, the figures have horrible glossy fake plastic skin. Is this a result of the product or was it an unfortunate choice in how the figures were rendered? I would be surprised if the product is doing that but would like to make sure. Thank you


  • It is meant to simulate the body builder competitions where they get all shined up

  • Since it is just a shape product, I imagine the images just look that way because someone had a heavy hand on the Dual Lobe Body Oil (tm)

  • mwokeemwokee Posts: 1,275

    GhostofMacbeth said:

    It is meant to simulate the body builder competitions where they get all shined up

    That's what I figured but wanted to be sure. Beauty in the eye of the beholder I guess.

  • nemesis10nemesis10 Posts: 3,500

    One other element that gets lost in all of this is that posing is hard isometric work. Traditionally, women were not permitted to perspire.  Note that almost all 3d women look like they are wearing matte pressed powder all the time everywhere.  In a real word scenario, women posing like that with that much of a pump would be covered with flop sweat.

  • I just picked it up and can't wait to start using it

  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,107

    The product frightened me a little bit... never dial it 100% if I have it and need it... The muscle definition don't look necessarily natural... will a smoothing modifier be needed there ?

  • RamsusRamsus Posts: 11
    edited December 2023

    I just saw the product pictures, and it became clear to me that it's not sculpted specifically for the G8 female, it appears to be a port from the male version. That's why it seems a bit unusual and not natural =D. I mean no disrespect to both artists who create great products, but this particular one seems to have missed the mark

    If you don't believe just look the size of the hands.

    Post edited by Ramsus on
  • takezo_3001takezo_3001 Posts: 1,997
    edited December 2023

    Ramsus said:

    I just saw the product pictures, and it became clear to me that it's not sculpted specifically for the G8 female, it appears to be a port from the male version. That's why it seems a bit unusual and not natural =D. I mean no disrespect to both artists who create great products, but this particular one seems to have missed the mark

    If you don't believe just look the size of the hands.

    Indeed, as it was a retrofitted G8 male, ⇐(Wait, I need to confirm to be 100% sure) the morphs also heavily influenced the skeleton, and yeah, the arms/shoulders overpower the chest area as they're too big proportionally speaking, I'm guessing that it's much easier to re-use morphs instead of building them from scratch all over again, as G8 is not nearly as effortless to create morphs for as it is with G9, but the downside of G9 is that you really need to be up on your artistic anatomy, otherwise it looks too stylised, and aside from the arms being bigger than G8 female's proportions DM's musculature and anatomical accuracy is pretty solid!

    So I can't wait to see what he does for G9!

    Post edited by takezo_3001 on
  • I'm a fan of adding muscle to female characters and so far from what I've seen across the board is all products aimed at adding muscle to Daz 3D female characters has either been underwhelming or over the top and results are uneven and unnatural. It seems the developers know there is a market here but don't know how to deliver it. Its not like we live in a time without plenty of real life examples to study and model after. Was really hoping this product was going to deliver the goods when it was announced, but after seeing the promo images, I'm not convinced here. And I am concerned the eventual G9 port will not bode well for the female application either.
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