Posing in the Parameter Tab rather than the Posing Tab?

This has probably alredy been asked but I am curious.
Why are the most important Pose controls under the PARAMETERS tab and not under the POSING Tab?
It seems very unintuitive or at the least the Posing Tab seems largly redundant.



  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,107

    Only pose control dials with Type - Modifier/Pose are under Posing pane... However, quite a lot of pose control dials under Parameters pane were wrongly set with Type - Modifier/Shape...

    As for "redundant" or not, it's up to user's preferences... for instance, I myself never use Posing pane.

  • The Parameters pane is the master, shwoingf everything. The other node property panes (Posing, Shaping, Light. Camera) are filtered versions of the Parameters pane. What important pose controls are you seeing that are not in the Posing pane?

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