Searching for a 17th Century Protestant Mens outfit.

BlueFingersBlueFingers Posts: 904
edited December 2023 in The Commons

I am looking for a 17th century suit that would have been typically worn by men in protestant north western europe. I have been looking around and was actually a bit surprised did not find it in the store, as it would be worn by the Pilgrims Fathers too I think. Just in case here are some examples:

The man in the middle wears that type of outfit:

Dutch Drapers Guild

Dutch merchant:

You get the idea, any help would be most welcome. Kitbash suggestions are welcome too.

Post edited by BlueFingers on


  • You didn't specify what figure you're shopping for; on ShareCG the search term "Pilgrim" comes up with versions for all three early versions of Genesis.

  • I have this in my content directory, but have never used it. I have converted it to G8 figures too.
  • CybersoxCybersox Posts: 9,085
    edited December 2023

    Smith Micro made a full set of colonial clothes for their G2 figures (that's James 2 and Jessie 2, not the DAZ versions) and they're available now at Rendo.  IIRC, those figures actually work passably in DS since they're not weight-mapped, but the clothes can also be converted to Genesis 3 using Evil Innocence's Crossdresser utility. 


    And, yeah, it seems ridiculous that clothes from this period are so hard to find given how many Thanksgiving items have been released.  Unfortunately, DAZ has never been a great place to buy historical costumes unless you want a Pirate, a Viking, A Geisha, or a Cowboy.  It's taken me years to finally accrue a reasonable selection of Ancient Roman wear and gear, mostly from Renderosity, and half of those vendors have stopped selling since I purchased them.

    Post edited by Cybersox on
  • @Eustace Scrubb: I will use the clothes most likely with G8.1 characters, perhaps G9. I have some G3 outfits that are so good they really hold there own against the new G9 clothing (mostly form Linday) so did not specify the character as I am fine with converting them or using shaders to update them.

    @Cybersox: I share your sentiment, how many armour sets with high heels does one need! *sigh* BTW: Folks with a Dark Mode plug-in on their browser know your secret ;--)

    Thanks all for the suggestions, truly much appreciated, but I was hoping for outfits that were a little more in line with todays standards and a bit less like a Halloween outfit ;-) You did point me towards a few resources that were new to me/I should visit before asking for help.

  • memcneil70memcneil70 Posts: 4,316
    edited December 2023

    That is one of the periods of time that has been overlooked mostly, except for a musketeer outfit. I tthink it has been wishlisted in the thread for ideas for PAs to look into. Great period with interesting outfits, bloody wars, invasions, and expansion in our understanding of the world.

    Post edited by memcneil70 on
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