How do i get group of morph

huntergeenhuntergeen Posts: 40
// Scane nodes in the sceneNodes=Scene.getNodeList();for ( i = 0; i < Nodes.length; i++) 	{// Pickup nodes that have object	obj = Nodes[i].getObject();	if (obj !== null)		{// Scan Modifiers in the object			NM = obj.getNumModifiers();		for (j = 0; j < NM; j++) 			{// Pickup Modifier that are morph			Modifier = obj.getModifier(j);			if (Modifier.inherits("DzMorph")) 				{								}			}				}	}

How do i get group of morph (General,Actor,Display,PoseControls,Tools,Utilities)
I'm creating a facetransfer and want the software to access certain groups to reduce unnecessary steps in the morphing process.

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