ISO Newfie Dog Figure
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I'm looking for a big, fluffy Newfoundland dog for a book my cousin wants illustrated. I have Dog 8, but there's no Newfie morph that I could find.
Any help is appreciated.
There's no such an Alt shape on DOG 8, AFAIK... I'm afraid you have to sculpt an NFL shape yourself, as well as making fur for it. (SBH could be an option...)
Using Bully (or 50-70% of Bully even mixed shape of other breeds of Dog 8) as a Base to sculpt may be a good start.
You could also try starting from HiveWire's Big Dog over at Renderosity, but it's a Lab base, too. So IDK if it would be any more suited to making a Newfie.
you could try the MilDog and spin the breeds a bit..
quick one in Carrara with fur.
hey Stezza, long time!
that's exactly the dog i need. Are you able and willing to share? i have MilDog and 'rara.
yep, sure
Chest full at 81%
Hound .09
Mastiff 1.0
Paws thick 1.0
Staffordshire .94
Stocky 1.72 ( edit the setting by clicking on the gear )
Tail Full .74
Head adjustments
Ear arch L & R .44
Ears Big 1.0
Jaw strong 0.05
Nose full .42
Openmouth 0.47
pMastiff 1.0
PStaffordshire 0.18
pStocky 1.72
tongue SideUpL 0.16
TongePant 0.93
TongueUp 0.0
Tongue width 0.42
the fur is in the zip file for you
thanks, Stezza!
I'm a little confused. i looks like all of Mil dog's morphs are everywhere and only partials. are you applying those breed values to everything r certain parts?
Thanks Stezza !!!
In Carrara go down the list and enter the values for only those shown by Stezza.
For the Head morps click on Head in the Instances Tab/Scene tab and likewise enter the values shown by Stezza.
To get the hair to work, drag the Hair onto the Mildog.
Enjoy !
i feel dumb. iu was looking fore those morphs in the WRONG place. but now, where is that "gear" he mentioned?
edit--found it
Looks great, wish I could get that into Daz, but I assume you can't use that hair in Daz, will try the morphs though.
well you can as mesh if you have Carrara and Philemo's script
Phlemo has a plugin thab converts cararra hair to mesh, trhen you can export it
Was born and raise in Nfld. Great job. That's pretty darn close to the real deal. Needs more fur under the chin like a beard at lower throat. Tongue is longer and paler, always hangs out to the side.Like all breeds we often have varied mizes but this is what the real deal looks like.
e few little tweaks
Where do I find this plugin that converts Carrara hair?
Also I have the Mil Dog and a Pupply LE which I believe is part of the Mil Dog. I have Dog 8, with the Dachshund, French Bulldog and Great Dane. I have no problem using Hexagon or Blender to morph either versions if I have to. And recently got Mesh Grabber bundle so that might do some morphs as well once I learn to use it.
the link in my post ^
Maybe a few more (winces) fixes. The Newfoundland dog is an avid swimmer. It saves lives. It swims like a rescue-boat. Tails is bushy longer. It acts like a rudder. The tail is one of the most important parts for identifying this authentic breed. When in a standing stance the tail hangs straight down with the broadest part at the base. A short whimy whimpy tail is a no-no. The dog's outer coat (has an inner coat) is straight no curls. Tongue is really wrong. Its perfect for my shih tzu but not for this power house of a dog.
Edit1: whimpy for whimy
Edit2: This dogs stance does not look like a warrior that would risk its life to save humans.The stance looks too timid. The back has a slight arch with butt above arch but head is higer than butt, so the head height is you did is great. Just nake a straight line to where the hind legs start and curve the bach up like making the letter c and them have tail slightly below neck back line. I'll try to google a pic.
I'd LOVE to get it perfect. Really would. But MilDog hasn't got that many morphs and i'm VI (visually impaired). i'd never get it right onm own.
played around a bit more... to export the fur would take some time I reckon unless you decrease the number down a significant amount. Daz MilDog doesn't have may morphs ( no tongue ones that are worth while ) but Daz dog 2 may be better..
anyways an extra 10 minutes in Carrara
one advantage of Carrara converted fur is it keeps the same vertex count regardless of length
so morphloader works with it
but I have only done human wigs not animal furs as would not want to try rigging it
in theory it's possible as can use transfer utility on zero length then add a length morph but DAZ studio would likely crash at every stage trying
Jelly beans! Even this blind guy can see an improvement. What's the trick?
I'm claiming temporary blindness lol completely missed the link lol
Spot on!