Michael 4 Base
Hi, I just purchased Michael 4 Base product. I cannot get any clothes to fit him, even clothes specific for M4. As you can see by the pictures, it won't show much of anything for him. Also, my first experience with the POWERLOADER. Any one know why? Thanks for the help.

Screenshot (16).png
1360 x 680 - 194K

Screenshot (19).png
1360 x 678 - 167K
Post edited by TauAlphaC on
What clothes are you trying to fit to him?
Those two above and a couple other Gen 2 clothing. As you can see by the photos, they would not even come up for M4.
Well the basic wear is the only set that will fit to M4. Your screen shot only show the materials tab. You need the figure tab for the clothes to find them and fit them to M4.
It does not show in the materials tab, and when I click on Figures, it only show M4 ACTOR etc. No clothes for him. AND WHEN I HIGHLIGHT M4 IN SCENE, NO CLOTHES APPEAR ON LEFT IN FILES/PRODUCT TABS. Does M4not fit into Gen 2 stuff? Sorry, trying to learn what can fit onto what. I even bought the Fit Control, and can't seem to get that to work. Thanks for your help.
Drop down one tab to Content Library...then look in Poser Formats section, under Figures...some where in there you will find the Basic Wear.
I can find the basic wear when I search in Content Library. It comes up but when I try to get it onto M4 it will not work. The shirt on him in the photo is the yellow WARDROBE item. And I do not know what the yellow thing in the top left corner of the basic wear items is. Sheesh, sorry to be such a pain. I don't get it. I have been working with M6 just fine and I can't figure M4 out.
That's because M4 is an older figure and the easy to fit features weren't invented yet.
Now, if you have the shirt to that point, select it in the Scene tab, then jump to Parameters. There should be some morphs there to help fit it.
When you do a search for 'basic wear' in the Content Library pane, it lists ALL items with that designation, and pays no heed to the figure you have selected. In other words, it show all basic wear available for all figures, it is not a 'smart' search in any way.
The item you have loaded onto M4 is designed for Genesis 3 Male, and will not fit. To find out what figure the item is for, you could right click in the item in the search results pane, select Show In > Mapped folder. Michael 4 is an older figure, and is in Poser format, so his clothing will also be in Poser format CR2 and NOT DUF which is DAZ Studio format.
The way that you have your Content Library pane makes it difficult to see what you are selecting in my opinion, I use View as List rather than View as Tree from the Content Library drop-down menu, that may help a bit, worth a try.
The icon in the top left corner is to show that although this a a Poser fiormat item, it DOES have DAZ Studio format materials available for it.
In my setup at least, the basic wear items for M4 are installed to Poser Formats > My DAZ 3D Library > Figures > M4Clothing > M4 Basic Wear.
Hope that helps a bit at least.
No, that's because it's not the M4 version of the shirt, it's the G3M version. All those "wardrobe" items are .duf files, so in DS native format, not in poser format.
The version you need for M4 is the cr2 files, at the bottom of the search results. And the .pz2 files are the materials for it (pz2 is the poser format for preset, and in this case you see a little scroll on the top-left corner of their icon which means there's a DS material preset with it).
I didn't notice that it wasn't the cr2 version...which is what it needs to be for M4.
Thanks everyone. I'm understanding a bit more about the different formats. As a newbie, there is so much on the DAZ website, and learning what goes with what has been daunting. But thanks to you all, I am figuring some of it out. Got a lot to learn, but hey, that is part of the fun of 3D. Cookies and milk for everyone!
Come over to the newbie contest threads and join in there. My learning curve was cut in half when I started to join in. We focus on something different each month. And we are all getting to know one another and making some good friends too. http://www.daz3d.com/forums/categories/new-user-contests-and-events. Even if you don't want to join in, there is a HUGE amount of information in the previous months threads.
Thank you for the invite. I would love to join! See you over there
when I click on link I get a WHOOPS! PAGE NOT FOUND.
Try it this way: http://www.daz3d.com/forums/categories/new-user-contests-and-events
Thanks Ati!