Deleted scene by accident, how to recover it?
Hello guys, I accidentally deleted a save file, a scene to be precise, it had characters I have not saved and I really wanted to save for future use, the file did not went to the bin.
I deleted it in the content library, and I can't find it, I try using recovera, but I can't find it, is there a wsy or file I can find to look for the daz scene? Or to recover it?
Please, I really need those characters, for they took me quite a while to make and need them for the story I'm working on.
Thank you.
No back-ups? And you deleted it, noit just removed the reference from one of the database views? If so I am not sure there is a way to recover it, I'm afraid.
Deleting scene files in DS Content Library sends nothing to Recycle Bin. Some leading recovery software can help you (e.g. I use EaseUS Data Recovery)... However, the pre-requisites is that you didn't save / write any data to that disk after deletion...If you did, I'm afraid you almost have no way to get it back or the recovered file will be just corrupted...
The safest way to delete a file is: in Content Library, right click to Browse to File Location, and delete the file from there... And better backup your working library periodically...
Except that deleting from the OS browser will not remove any database entries, so you will have ghost references. The safest method is to take back-ups.
That's right. So sometimes you can't have your cake and eat it... However the orphaned "ghost references" (with exclamation marks...) can always be easily removed from the product of LOCAL USER.
You should've saved KIKI as a new scene...
No matter you dragged ARMY to KIKI, save it as a New Scene... or loaded KIKI into ARMY, then saved it, the result would be the same...
Well, since you had already dragged ARMY into KIKI, then you should've saved it as, let's say, ARMY v2, then you could delete KIKI. However, you only saved KIKI, then afterwards you deleted KIKI, the ONLY scene file having those 6 characters... That was the problem.
In DS, there're different ways of merging scenes or scene won't be doomed as long as you do the process correctly...
As for "Where would a deleted scene from content library be?", we've already said: deleting a file in Content Library sends nothing to Recycle Bin, therefore, you find it nowhere. Actually the deleted file is still in the partition of the disk, the only way you may try is to recover it with DATA RECOVERY software... if there's no data written to that disk after deletion.
If you have a scene in the future that you never want to delete or write over then find it in Windows Explorer where you saved it, right click on it and under Properties mark it read only and save. You can no longer overwrite that scene now unless you change the read only flag.