Help understanding Licensing

DDCreateDDCreate Posts: 1,404

I dont anticipate this being a problem because I mostly just use products I buy on Daz3D but just so I understand, can someone clarify the do's and don'ts of licensing? I would hate to violate someone's licensing out of ignorance. I was under the assumption that I could use pretty much anything I purchase for personal, public and commercial use as long as I am not selling as though I was the vendor/creator. And by that I mean, I can use a character, hair, clothing ect in a scene but not purchase a character, hair, clothing and re-sell those items. Buy ingredients for a cake from the store and sell teh cake, GOOD. Buy ingredients and sell them in the parking lot for less BAD (and dumb).

Am I in the ball park?


  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001

    Add 'rendered' in there and you'll be a lot closer...

    You can sell the RENDERED image of the scene...but none of the actual models or textures.

  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,853

    Basically, you can :

    - give away or sell images and animations you made with content purchased in the store.

    - use the models for 3D printing for personal use only


    You cannot :

    - distribute the 3D models or their components (for free or for sale), even of you modified them.

    - use the 3D models directly in a game and distribute that game (for free or for sale). You need a special licence for that kind of use.

    - use the models for 3D printing for commercial use.

  • DDCreateDDCreate Posts: 1,404

    Oh cool. Yeah I wouldn't be close to doing any of the "cannots." Wouldn't know where to begin in 3D printing or what I would use it for, not going to be making any games(but I see that for more talented folks that would be fun) and selling or giving away stuff? Man, that's dirty.

    Thanks for clearing that up!

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