Some way to tell when draw-style-change is completed?
As part of my workflow, I produce a filament render that I combine with the regular render in postwork. I have the code below to switch to filament rendering, and then to kick off a render. But I often get strange colors since the switch over to filament has not completed yet.(And if I cancel it and restart the render, it does so correctly then.)
Is there some callback or message or value I can poll to tell when the switch to filament is complete after setUserDrawStyle? So that I can synch the render up to kick off then?
Thank you in advance for any help!
-- John
var oViewportMgr = MainWindow.getViewportMgr();
var oViewport = oViewportMgr.getActiveViewport();
var o3DViewport = oViewport.get3DViewport();
var sDrawStyle = o3DViewport.getUserDrawStyle();
o3DViewport.setUserDrawStyle( "Filament (PBR)" ); // set to fila
var oRenderMgr = App.getRenderMgr();
var oRenderOptions = oRenderMgr.getRenderOptions();
var nRenderType = oRenderOptions.renderType; // 0=Viewport, 2=3Delight
oRenderOptions.renderType = 0; // set to viewport
sleep(1000); // sometimes 1 second is enough, often it's too short -- how to synch render with completion?
oRenderMgr.doRender( oRenderOptions );
There is a signal here , belonging to Dz3DViewport. You can, as you may be aware, use DzCallback to listen for the signal . This sample script demonstrates the methods . Note that you will want to clean up after finishing.
Thank you, Richard -- these examples look perfect to follow!