gen 9 to gen 8.1 or gen 8 converters

well some nice new gen 9 stuff but as wanting gen 9 conveter or way to have autmatic convert every thing of gen 9 folder of a carector to  then be into gen  8.1 or gen 8 as ,i been holding back in way of buying any new stuff from the gen 9 , as love the monster morghs  we have i nealy bought all 8 and 8.1 ,............the new gen 9  is nice but as they not fit on to into gen 8 or 8,1 ,if want  any one to buy any new models  needs have like direct copy of that into gen 8.1 or gen 8 , some of other converters  doint work good  from like gen 2 raven man  to go into gen 8.1  the  hole model is all waky so  spending time paying around just dosent work i used split face or split body  to still only get like 20% as  there older models that doint fit gen 8 or 81  right  like lizards or dragon type humons   i spent lots money and still becomes rubish  so spending 10 hours trying get to fit to get nowere  as to orginal figer as said raven man gen 2  dosent have  gen 8 or gen 8.1 copy dirtect coppy of original with all morphs  and setings  coped  ................if know  betway do to with out  any converter need  then  lets find away  or make better converter  that doint come out twisted 


  • Seconded!  Love the new Gen 9 characters, but there are certain resources still only available to G8 - would be nice to have a G8 'double' for those facilities.

  • FSMCDesignsFSMCDesigns Posts: 12,724

    ...or just use G9. There are already converters to get all your G8 and G8.1 content (except HD) over to G9

  • Matt_CastleMatt_Castle Posts: 2,526

    FSMCDesigns said:

    There are already converters to get all your G8 and G8.1 content (except HD) over to G9

    You need to add at least JCMs (and, indeed, anything that requires control links to function properly), geografts, anything that uses a custom UV and scripts that are locked to only work on specific base figures to that list of exceptions.

    I'm good at transferring stuff between base figures (and have made a lot of my own tools for it), but part of that is when I need to mix things, being able to decide which way I go allows me to pick what's going to have the fewest problems I need to solve.

  • FSMCDesigns said:

    ...or just use G9. There are already converters to get all your G8 and G8.1 content (except HD) over to G9

    It's an improving picture, but not everything has been covered by converters so far, Michael. 

  • Matt_Castle said:

    FSMCDesigns said:

    There are already converters to get all your G8 and G8.1 content (except HD) over to G9

    You need to add at least JCMs (and, indeed, anything that requires control links to function properly), geografts, anything that uses a custom UV and scripts that are locked to only work on specific base figures to that list of exceptions.

    I'm good at transferring stuff between base figures (and have made a lot of my own tools for it), but part of that is when I need to mix things, being able to decide which way I go allows me to pick what's going to have the fewest problems I need to solve.

    What are JCMs?  

  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,403

    JCM = Joint Controlled Morphs, ie corrective morphs for when you pose the figure.

  • FSMCDesignsFSMCDesigns Posts: 12,724

    johnbuckeridge said:

    FSMCDesigns said:

    ...or just use G9. There are already converters to get all your G8 and G8.1 content (except HD) over to G9

    It's an improving picture, but not everything has been covered by converters so far, Michael. 

    Like what? I have everything I need for G9, clothing converters and clones, hair converter, texture converter, morph converter. The only thing I can't convert are the HD morphs and heels (always a problem)

  • Matt_CastleMatt_Castle Posts: 2,526

    FSMCDesigns said:

    Like what?

    To go back to my first post: "JCMs (and, indeed, anything that requires control links to function properly), geografts, anything that uses a custom UV and scripts that are locked to only work on specific base figures". To which I should also add "dForce add-on meshes", which aren't converted correctly by autofit or RSSY's converter.

    There is right now no Centaur 9, for example. If I wanted to do a Vicky 9 centaur, getting the existing centaur graft to work with G9 would either be a huge amount of technical effort to get it to work properly, or require a lot of fudging... so, in many ways, it would be far, far more practical to do a V9 centaur by converting V9 back to G8, because that's just a matter of converting a morph and a skin rather than trying to make a geograft work with a new geometry. (It was reasonably possible G3 to G8, but those were such similar figures).

    Hell, for the sake of the argument, I have indeed just done a G8 conversion of V9, because I have my own tools that let me do that, so I can now have her as a centaur:

    If anyone fancies trying to do a proper G9 conversion of the centaur body - one that doesn't have to be constantly adjusted or have problems patched up in photoshop - I wish them luck, because I don't have the patience for that, and I've already seen some fairly wonky Frankensteining attempts on DeviantArt.

    We're definitely not in the position that we can properly convert all G8 assets flawlessly to G9. That's not to say that I necessarily think that G9 to G8 products would necessarily be productive things for PAs to provide, but as some stuff can't be practically converted, having the option to convert the stuff we can convert in either direction gives more capacity to get around the parts that are troublesome or impossible to convert properly.

    johnbuckeridge said:

    What are JCMs?  

    "Joint Controlled Morphs" (which became CBs, Corrective Blendshapes, on G9). They're morphs that are automatically dialled in based on how the figure is posed, and they're used to correct problems with how the figure poses. The base figure has some to correct how it poses, but when you morph the figure, you need new morphs to recorrect the pose for the new shape.

    At present, I don't believe any of the character converters can adapt JCMs correctly from G8 to G9, nor do all of the linking of the parameters to make them work.

    1800 x 2400 - 612K
  • FSMCDesignsFSMCDesigns Posts: 12,724

    When I asked "like what?" i was curious what things the OP was having problems converting so I could maybe point out a product or tutorial which miight help. It comes down to what a users needs are. I rarely use the Centaur (not a fan of how high the transition is), so converting it isn't a priority for me. I have a handful of characters that have special JCMs that work with most other normal figures and there are also a couple of JCM products in the store that help also, so for normal female figures, JCMs are not an issue for me.

    But since this discussion seems to be anti G9, I can take the hint.

  • Matt_CastleMatt_Castle Posts: 2,526

    I'm not anti-G9, but there are definitely characters of mine I couldn't presently move to G9 without a huge amount of work, because of things like geografts not being convertable (at least without a large amount of technical work).

    So while I accept we're talking about somewhat niche cases, being able to pull characters back onto G8 may have its uses for some people.

  • GordigGordig Posts: 9,905

    FSMCDesigns said:

    But since this discussion seems to be anti G9, I can take the hint.

    Point to a single anti-G9 thing anybody in this thread has said.

  • BAM! RendersBAM! Renders Posts: 129

    do we know if zevo or riversoft have an eta on a gen 9 to gen 8 character converter yet?

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