Joint bend distortion


Not sure if anyone has asked this as I can't find anything in the forums, or maybe i'm just searching by the wrong words, but I have a problem with Gen 9 and I have noticed that it is also happening with Gen 8 & 8.1.

When trying to bend the arms or legs greater the 90 degrees the inside areas appear to be trying to avoid touching which creates very bad look, see attached, it has only happened recently, last moth or so.

Does anyone have any ideas to stop this.

Any help would be appreciated.


Screenshot 2024-02-19 .png
966 x 1744 - 376K


  • GordigGordig Posts: 9,916

    It could be a result of smoothing and/or JCMs firing when they're not supposed to. Check the general tab of Parameters to see if smoothing is applied to the figure; if so, disable it. If not, check the Currently Used option to see which JCMs are active.

  • Most likely a bad JCM, probably for a heavy or muscular character. But it is very odd that it would affect more than one generation, unless you have converted the character and it carried over the bad set-up. Check for updates on your characters, especially any that you have converted from 9 to 8 or vice versa.

  • Found the issue, it was "Base Joint Correctives" settings, there must have been that option on some Gen 8 becuse it wasn't happening with all figures.

    Thank you for your suggestions regardless and hope this helps others with the same issue.


  • I hadn't recalled that it had such a dramatic effect, but that is something you need to watch if you zero Genesis 9 (rather than using Restore). That isn't an issue in the same wat with Genesis 8, however.

  • It was loading this on the G9 character when opening, zero or restore had no effect on it so I had to zero it manually in the settings, the effect in my image was with that setting at 100% which was the default.

    What I can't figure out it why has it just happened in the last month only, G9 was fine before that, possibly something else I have loaded recently is triggering it?

    Just to note that this has happened with G8 but zeroing did fix it with the G8 figure.

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