Gallery Ads/Popups
paulawp (marahzen)
Posts: 1,446
in The Commons
Is anyone else suddenly seeing garbage click ads at the top and bottom when viewing the gallery? It wasn't there earlier today, but now I see it in both Edge and Chrome.
Eww, it's on both top and bottom and takes up a huge amount of space on my tablet.
same here
Pegasus Spyware (?)
That has put me off posting ever again to the gallery
sorry daz
Looks like DAZ implemented goggle [edit: google] ads. I don't like it. Makes the site look cheesy, but if it helps pay the bills . . .
Edit: Meant google ha ha maybe goggle is the appropriate word
Boycott the ads by not clicking on them and hopefully it will be realized it's yet another bad idea such as punch sales, recycling old products into bundles, and NFTs.
Cheesy is right. I've been known to share a link to my gallery to the random uninitiated (friends, co-workers) if the subject of my art comes up, but I'm not going to do it when there's giant, creepy adware-looking ads, Eeeewwww.
Only consolation is that it doesn't look like it's just me.
I just noticed the ads as well and was wondering about them. It takes up a huge amount of space. Kind of making it hard when scrolling through the gallery. They are also in Firefox, but not as many as in Chrome.
Yes, I buy cat litter for my cat so Google knows. But seeing cat litter pop up next to the amazing gorgeous images in the gallery somehow really ruins the experience for me. Unfortunate.
Most of my buys these days come from people listing the products they use in the gallery and seeing them in renders - 'in action.' The ads are so frequent and intrusive I might stop visting / posting altogether in the gallery.
It was a shock to me. Very hard to look at the artwork with all the ad space covering the page. I agree that it really ruins the experience for me too. If there was only one ad running on the page it might be a different story. But they are all over the place.
I tested on Opera and Firefox and had no ads.
Is that the culprit?
In Firefox, I clicked on two members. Ad-Blocker says 8 pesky somethings nixed when I go to gallery. At forum goes to zero again. Someone is paying money to try to sell me things I'll never see. Even if I did, wouldn't buy them because they'd be annoying. Unfortunately, I doubt marketing cares. DIM might be good example. Those orange banners. "Welcome to the latest DIM), the DAZ Installation Marketing! Save 30% by typing, 'Impulsive_Act_Now!' "
I suspect they're licking purple Peruvian tree frogs, again or maybe just accidental alkaloid poisoning. The frogs were in the vending machine...
Corporate-speak may follow.
"DAZ is aware of the situation and is closely monitoring events."
Meaningless but hopefully looks nice and official. ; )
I really don't like the ads on "MY Gallery" pages - somehow implies I personally am promoting those products (curmudgeon that I am). And I am usually pretty good at listing the products I use - an indirect form of advertisting that I do in fact endorse and like to promote. DAZ has amazing PAs.
And I can even understand ads on the 'trending' pages.
I know there are a lot of histrionics in the forums - but if those ads aren't off 'my gallery' pages in a week or two, I'll have to consider seriously deleting it. The gallery has been a way for me to document my journey through learning DAZ, so it's something I won't do lightly.
Yes, ad blockers are a solution for me personally, but I like to share my gallery with family and friends, and don't want to do that with the caveat of installing an ad blocker first. I won't spend energy maintaining a gallery I don't feel comfortable sharing. I might not be seeing the ads, but others are seeing my images associated with products I have no control over.
I added Total Ad Blocker as an extension to my Chrome. Bye bye ads. Now they are not showing up in the Gallery.
That one opens the door for all the others. Been blocking it for years. I don't miss it.
Is there an ad blocker for chrome on ipad?
Firefox blocks those.
I never look at the gallery but just did and did not see any popups
have AdBlock Plus on Chrome
I use Chrome but don't use an add blocker. The adds are very intrusive and it's hard to see the art. I definitely will not send anyone to the DAZ Gallery now. It looks very low class and unprofessional. I will send everyone to my DA Gallery instead (may even stop posting in the gallery here). The screenshot below is the what the gallery looks like for me. All adds, no art.
I don't expect that I would go so far as to delete my gallery, but with all those nasty ads all over the place, I'm not sending my mom - who barely uses the computer as it is - a link to that page.
The ads are gross, there was a nasty toe nail, how do we get rid of these?
These ads destroy all the fun to browse the galleries, awkward!
Funny how one of the ad will be on top of my pictures, but will suddently go under the list of products used in that render
No ads on firefox
I kind of miss when sites used to run ads actually targeted to their userbase instead of a soup of
Well I was enjoying baing back here and part of the gallery, but I have no desire to look through the gallery when I can not even see the image
I have them on Firefox too
How can we stop this? I can't even see the images because I have ads on top and at the bottom in Firefox.
Mac OS, Windows, Android: install the u-block or Adblock Plus extension.
ios: go into the settings of firefox and switch Tracking Protection to strict.
the Noscript ad blocker for FF works at blocking everything you don't want and I don't see the ads.