Daz seems to freeze often when simulating - strategies? fixes?

Hello, when simulating dforce hair and clothing, I frequently get Daz to just freeze -- it doesn't appear to be doing anything (looking in Task Manager, it's taking up almost no CPU or GPU), but it's "frozen" (can't be interacted with).  Even when I leave it over night, it's still frozen in the morning.

This happened pretty frequently when simulating from a memorized pose, so I started turning that off.  Things are less likely to freeze up now (though the simulations are not quite as good).  Even now, though, I'll do something like simulate and it works fine, then I realize there's no collision with the ground, so I put in a plane and resimulate, and it just freezes after doing a bunch of simulation.

Any ideas if there's a setting or method I can use to make this less of a problem?  Or is this a common thing, but maybe there are strategies I should pursue to minimize it?

Thank you!


  • GordigGordig Posts: 10,192

    This suggests to me that there's an impending explosion, so have you looked to make sure no part of the simulated object is intersecting with anything else (and especially itself)?

  • awdzawdz Posts: 19

    Hm, let me see if I can figure that out.  Also, when I needed to kill Daz this last time, I saw it pop up the dialog that shows simulation progress...it was on "stabilizing" phase, and had frozen a little more than 3 minutes into the process.

  • awdzawdz Posts: 19

    What specifically do you mean by "intersecting"?  I turned off self-collision on the dress.  There are 3 dforce objects in the scene:  the dress, the figure's hair, and the plane I've placed beneath the figure so the dress will "pool" appropriately on the ground.  The figure's hair is "laying" on the top part of the dress (on the figure's shoulders).

  • GordigGordig Posts: 10,192

    No part of the mesh should intersect with itself or anything else, because that's what causes explosions. It could be something like the legs of pants being too wide and intersecting with each other, something being so tight that parts of it go inside the figure, etc. You say that the hair is laying on the top part of the dress, so is it possible that any of the strands might be poking through?

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