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Thank You!!
i originally chose obj. export
saw the female pro bits for the 1st time, alexandra was my 1st pro bundle.
wasn't expecting so much detail lol
can it change gravity setting on 1 obj in scene?
tryint to blow a plane, it falls after a few frames
saved a preset mesh at high resolution, subd2, but seems to load in rara at the base res anyhows
experimenting with the hd morphs
ahaa have to be in animation mode to see the active morph in wrench mode
seeing bone influences
no idea what that means tho
i am totally doing this wrong, no manipulator to move those verts where i need em
chose the weightbrush icon and select a bone
the toe bones
and paint
Eeeekk, I have heard of ingrown toe-nails before but thats definately out.
Hope you have luck on sorting those morphs out Misty !!!!
That's the Alexandra FBM >.<
i'se reading through the scaling weight section.
most are th Vert number comma 1
some aren't 1, is like decimal 0####
it also skips vert numbers. out of sequence mebbe?
in wings3d, it'll give you the vert# of the selected vert, dunno if carrara can give the number?
tryin to move those nailbed verts >.< have verts selected but tools are grayed out
would be better to figure out the underlying cause of why it does that, doh, otherwise all the g8f fbms will need a morph to fix it
i applied the victoria 8 morph, toes did the ugh thing, exported as daz full scene, and exported as daz morph target, as tests
imported to ds 4.9, no morph, came in as zeroes figure ??!!
starting to feel masochist
doh, options export with morphs
couple more theories tested and failed. found a typo in big toe 2, but wasnt it,
rendering a toe wiggle anigif
forgot to change tweener to bezier. not seeing a way to select all the figure tweeners at once? or set default tweener to bezier
1 step at a time
think i understands now ... maybe.
activate the fbm morph, put those rogue verts where they belong, then turn off the fbm morph needs fixin,
what is left is the corrective morph
learned can't make invisible the individual toes with the tickbox, not even in DS.
Wow! Great detective work. You are amazing.
Brainstorming. Would it be possible to use shaders to make the offending toes invisible, and then replace them with little toe figures appropriately parented? Most of the time toes are in shoes.
EDIT: in Studio, you could try replacing them with geografts, but in Carrara...
Hope you get those morphs sorted Misty, there are a number of toes that are deformed in a number of ways so a cure would be great !!!!!
Hopefully Carrara 9 will allow for use of geografts (Ever the optimist)
Still Brainstorming
Can the morph editing tools in Studio be used to exclude the problem vertexes from the toes? Josh Darling has a video on some morph tools that can exclude speciic vertexes.
If you clean the morph from some vertices you would have to save it as a new morph. And such cleaning will almost inevitably cause unwanted deformations.
it can invisible all the toes with tick box. but not the individuals.
eek i keyframed an expression pose ctrl and turned her head a bit, left her eyeball behind eeekkkk
seeing a few elboe morphs came with the sakura character
it's the tough decisions now
skydome and vol cloud puffs or realistic sky or sky
dragon3 or mildragon.
mildragon has babies, dragon3 never caame out with a dragonling or hatchling
should i be using hitfilm instead of vegas?
ohh, i'd toggled the lock child object, is why her eyeball diembodied
dunno which is which tho, if the toggle is lit, is unlocked?
doh 5th try and 25th try. for extra fun clips rendered together in sony movie. lost a bit of quality in the make movie process
it is improving i think
a cool video of a Titanic game demo
we could recreate quite a bit of that sunken tub in our renders, I recognised the Verandah Cafe and the promenade among other Titanic inspired DAZ items
The Grand Staircase, theSmoking room, the Reading room, the first class stateroom and ooooooh
best recreation video ever
The 1,512 souls who perished in the icy waters of Atlantic
ABBING, Anthony, (42)
ABBOTT, Rossmore Edward, (16)
ABBOTT, Eugene Joseph, (14)
ABBOTT, Ernest Owen, (21)
ABELSON, Samuel, (30)
ABRAMS, William, (33)
ADAHL, Mauritz Nils Martin, (30)
ADAMS, John, (26)
ADAMS, R, (26)
AHIER, Percy Snowden, (20)
AHLIN, Johanna Persdotter, (40)
AKERMAN, Albert, (28)
AKERMAN, Joseph Francis, (35)
ALDWORTH, Charles Augustus, (30)
ALEXANDER, William, (23)
ALHOMäKI, Ilmari Rudolf, (19)
ALI, Ahmed, (24)
ALI, William, (25)
ALLAN, Robert Spencer, (36)
ALLARIA, Battista Antonio, (22)
ALLEN, William Henry, (35)
ALLEN, Henry, (32)
ALLEN, George, (26)
ALLEN, Frederick, (17)
ALLISON, Hudson Joshua Creighton, (30)
ALLISON, Bessie Waldo, (25)
ALLISON, Helen Loraine, (2)
ALLSOP, Alfred Samuel, (34)
ALLSOP, Frank Richard, (41)
ALLUM, Owen George, (15)
ANDERSEN, Albert Karvin, (33)
ANDERSON, Walter J, (48)
ANDERSSON, Johan Samuel, (26)
ANDERSSON, Ida Augusta|Margareta, (38)
ANDERSSON, Anders Johan, (39)
ANDERSSON, Alfrida Konstantia Brogren, (39)
ANDERSSON, Sigrid Elisabeth, (11)
ANDERSSON, Ingeborg|Constanzia, (9)
ANDERSSON, Ebba Iris Alfrida, (6)
ANDERSSON, Sigvard Harald Elias, (4)
ANDERSSON, Ellis Anna Maria, (2)
ANDREASSON, Paul Edvinm, (20)
ANDREW, Edgar Samuel, (17)
ANDREW, Frank Thomas, (25)
ANDREWS, Thomas, (39)
ANGHELOFF, Minko, (26)
ANGLE, William A, (32)
ARNOLD-FRANCHI, Josefine, (18)
ARONSSON, Ernst Axel Algot, (24)
ASHBY, John, (57)
ASHCROFT, Austin Aloysius, (26)
ASHE, Henry Wellesley, (32)
ASIM, Adola, (35)
ASPESLAGH, Georges, (26)
ASPLUND, Carl Oscar Vilhelm Gustafsson, (40)
ASPLUND, Carl Edgar, (5)
ASPLUND, Filip Oscar, (13)
ASPLUND, Clarence Gustaf Hugo, (9)
ASSAM, Ali, (23)
ASTOR, John Jacob, (47)
ATTALA, Sleiman, (27)
ATTALAH, Malake, (17)
AUGUSTSSON, Albert, (23)
AYLING, George Edwin, (22)
BACCOS, Raffull, (20)
BACK, Charles Frederick, (32)
BACKSTRöM, Karl Alfred, (32)
BADT, Mohamed, (40)
BAGLEY, Edward Ernest, (31)
BAILEY, Percy Andrew, (15)
BAILEY, George W, (46)
BAILEY, George Francis, (36)
BAINBRIGGE, Charles Robert, (23)
BAINES, Richard, (24)
BALKIC, Cerin, (26)
BANFI, Ugo, (24)
BANFIELD, Frederick James, (28)
BANNON, John, (32)
BARBARA, Catherine David, (45)
BARBARA, Saiide, (18)
BARKER, Albert Vale, (19)
BARKER, Ernest T, (37)
BARKER, Reginald Lomond, (40)
BARLOW, Charles, (30)
BARLOW, George, (36)
BARNES, Charles, (29)
BARNES, J, (41)
BARNES, Frederick, (37)
BARRATT, Arthur, (15)
BARRETT, Frederick William, (33)
BARRINGER, Arthur William, (33)
BARROW, Harry, (35)
BARROWS, William, (32)
BARRY, Julia, (26)
BARTON, David John, (22)
BARTON, Sidney John, (25)
BASILICO, Giovanni, (27)
BATEMAN, Robert James, (51)
BAUMANN, John D, (60)
BAXTER, Quigg Edmond, (24)
BAXTER, Harry Ross, (51)
BAXTER, Thomas Ferguson, (48)
BAZZI, Narciso, (33)
BEATTIE, Thomson, (36)
BEATTIE, Joseph, (35)
BEAUCHAMP, Henry James, (28)
BEAVAN, William Thomas, (18)
BEDFORD, William Barnet, (31)
BEEDEM, George Arthur, (34)
BEERE, William, (19)
BELL, Joseph, (50)
BENDELL, F, (24)
BENGTSSON, Johan Viktor, (26)
BENHAM, Frederick, (29)
BENNETT, George Alfred, (30)
BERGLUND, Karl Ivar Sven, (22)
BERNARDI, Battista, (22)
BERRIMAN, William John, (23)
BESSANT, William Edward, (39)
BESSANT, Edward William, (31)
BEST, Alfred Edwin, (38)
BETROS, Tannous, (20)
BEUX, David, (26)
BEVIS, Joseph Henry, (22)
BIDDLECOMBE, Charles, (33)
BIETRIX, George Baptiste, (28)
BIGGS, Edward Charles, (20)
BILLOW, J, (20)
BIRKELAND, Hans Martin|Monsen, (21)
BIRNBAUM, Jakob, (24)
BISHOP, Walter Alexander, (34)
BJORKLUND, Ernst Herbert, (18)
BLACK, Alexander, (28)
BLACK, D, (41)
BLACKWELL, Stephen Weart, (45)
BLAKE, Seaton, (26)
BLAKE, Thomas, (36)
BLANEY, James, (29)
BLANN, Eustace Horatius, (21)
BLUMET, Jean Baptiste, (26)
BOCHATAY, Alexis Joseph, (30)
BOCHET, Pierre (age not known)
BOGIE, Norman Leslie, (29)
For visitors to Washington, DC.
there are children on the death list
I use both. Hitfilm Pro for compositing/sfx and Vegas Pro for editing. Vegas is great for multicam or audio editing and it supports VST-plugins. Have a look at free DaVinci Resolve. It does some things better than Hitfilm (Express).