
robkelkrobkelk Posts: 3,259

Merry Christmas! My gift to everyone is a kettle drum prop - not just any kettle drum, but one of the 1882 "Fuchs Timpani" set, complete with the drumsticks.

(No, I haven't suddenly become a master modeler. This is a work-for-hire, and I own the copyright to it.)

Find it at ShareCG: http://www.sharecg.com/v/83155/gallery/11/Poser/Fuchs-Timpani-kettle-drum-prop



1058 x 797 - 172K


  • MilosGulanMilosGulan Posts: 1,955

    Thank You :) They look great.

  • Hiya Rob, nice to see you again! Wondered where you'd got to -- off making noise, I see.

    And thanks for the swell-looking drum!

  • Twelve drummers drumming those would be loud. <shouting>THANK YOU!</shouting>

  • patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006

    Awesome, thank you very much.

    btw - don't be concerned if the number of posts over there are small, the site has unresolved issues when it comes to keeping people signed in for to comment. [was reported, allegedly fixed, and sigh.]

  • Tako YakidaTako Yakida Posts: 548
    edited December 2015

    Looks very convincing! Thank you robkelk!

    Post edited by Tako Yakida on
  • robkelkrobkelk Posts: 3,259

    Hiya Rob, nice to see you again! Wondered where you'd got to -- off making noise, I see.

    And thanks for the swell-looking drum!

    Things have been hectic, and not always in a good way... I'm still dealing with the fallout from a few things, so I'll won't be as active here as I used to be.

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