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I'm having absolutely no trouble ignoring this thread. Er..... Um..... just ignore this comment.
Image of imaginary box. Taken with my new Quantum camera, now with 1.2mQ (mega-qubit) resolution. Imagine that?
problem with that:
image source:ödinger's_cat
lighten up already:ödinger's_cat_in_popular_culture
I've added another dimension to the imaginary cat and have created a complex cat. Unfortunately all those poles and zeros are tearing him apart. (*snicker*)
to see if a cat is dead or alive, you simply place an open box in the room ........
...was too busy with the PC+ sale to ignore this thread.
My computer and tablet are connected to the same WiFi but it does not want to work on my desktop right now but it is working on my tablet.
...ignorance is bliss (at least they say it is).
Seems the SCAT spell checke is ignroing me again, so excuse any typos.
Smells room and finds litter box. Cleans it quickly and runs to dumpster with little bag..
Here I was, just wandering by making sure to ignore this thread when... BAM! it smacks me right in the head...
Why has no one feed the cats in this thread?
I thought that theory has some problems with it. Put a cat in a box against his/her will and that feline will meow until let loose. Leave another box open in the middle of the floor, the said feline would be right in it.
No problem as long as you tread lightly and don't step on anyone...
I am ignoring my packing to watch X-Men apocalypse
Where am I again?
...beginning to be a hard choice here, ignore my Green Bay Packers who have been just pitiful this season (after they wer expected to be a main contender for the Superbowl) or this thread.
...decisions, decisions...
Good question
Ignore? But why didn't tell my anybody that there are cats inside?????
I need to ignore this thread and get ready for black Friday shopping with my friend (if she is up to it)
...would that I could stay home, but need to do some marketing or no brekkies for the next several days.
No black Friday shopping for me.
Showed it to my kats and they said, does it come in tuna on rye?
Bad Dog!
I thought there used to be an ignore thread somewhere but I ignored it so long I forgot where it was. Did it get deleted?
I need to stop ignoring my bed and my bed time which was an hour ago.
You can ignore a user. I don't know if you can ignore a thread.
I know of no way to ignore a thread. I was asking about a thread that has a title about ignoring that thread. I cannot find it but I need to put my blue fire down.
Edit found it so zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Sorry but I remembered I forgot this thread. I wanted to find it before going to sleep so now good night.
...please ignore the person posting here, seems the city where I live has already done that.