Seeking Help with Daz Rigging

I've been using Daz for several years now, and while I've become proficient in many aspects of its user interface, technical features, and intricacies involved in posing and rendering, I find myself perplexed by Daz's rigging system. This software employs a unique skeleton system that isn't compatible with other 3D software. However, despite my efforts, I've struggled to find comprehensive guides and tutorials on how to effectively utilize it. Despite extensive internet searches, I've been unable to locate decent tutorials beyond the basics of rigging characters in Daz. It seems to me that Daz lacks sufficient resources for learning rigging techniques. I wonder if there's a specific reason for this. Are these resources hidden behind a paywall that I haven't discovered yet?

While I acknowledge that tutorials for rigging in Daz may exist, I find the learning curve surprisingly steep, given the duration of time the feature has been available. I'd appreciate any insights or assistance on how to efficiently learn rigging in Daz. If there's a comprehensive guide available, covering the entire process from start to finish, I'd greatly appreciate access to it. Thus far, I've only encountered tutorials that cover the initial steps, leaving the rest for me to figure out. Additionally, I'm interested in rigging characters imported from outside Daz, which would require understanding the nuances of software differences and considerations when importing characters from programs like Blender for rigging.


  • felisfelis Posts: 4,213

    First off, I have not seen a tutorial covering all aspects of rigging.

    There are a number of tutorials that might some or more.

    But it is unclear to me, what you would like to undestand better. Is it rerigging of existing characters, rigging a new figure from scratch or rigging of prop(s)?

  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 6,318

    There're some rigging tutorial in the store if you search by rigging but they're all pretty out of date, e.g. this one -

    As most of Daz characters were made on the rigged Genesis Base figure, there's less demand of how to rig a stand-alone figure in DS... Actually we're indeed short of comprehensive tutorials in terms of end-to-end rigging workflow. We refer to what we can get with self-learning and lots of experiments.

    Furthermore, even for a simple rigging with a stand-alone character, the process in DS is pretty cumbersome though it's technically 100% doable. Rigging a Prop with hard surfaces will be much simpler. 

    Well on the contrary, it's easier to rig in Blender with some good add-ons. If I were you, I'd rather do it in Blender and bring the rigged character to other platforms...

  • 3WC3WC Posts: 1,103

    Have you looked here? Yes, it is out of date, but gives the general idea.

  • eroguysenseieroguysensei Posts: 40

    crosswind said:


    Well on the contrary, it's easier to rig in Blender with some good add-ons. If I were you, I'd rather do it in Blender and bring the rigged character to other platforms...

    I was under the impression that Daz studio has its own unique rigging/Skeleton system, so importing rigs from elsewhere would not work. If I can rig in Blender and import it to Daz while making it actually work, yes, I much rather do it that way as Rigging in Blender is far more advanced and comfortable. Is there a particular tutorial that would allow me to get started on how to import Blender rigs to Daz and attach them to characters? 

  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 6,318

    Ah... I would say rigging / skeleton system of Genesis figures are a bit unique. You can make or import any stand-alone figures with rigging / bone system of their own, e.g. Mr. Bobble, a rigged character from Blender or other software with FBX format.

    You can search on youtube, there're lots of tutorials related to this topic.

    An alternative, wrap other stand-alone character with Genesis figure by using FaceForm Wrap software. In that way, you don't have to rig anything, just bring the wrapped morph back to Genesis figure in DS. Then you can use all Daz assets on them.

    1345 x 1400 - 517K
    1569 x 1396 - 369K
  • eroguysenseieroguysensei Posts: 40

    crosswind said:

    Ah... I would say rigging / skeleton system of Genesis figures are a bit unique. You can make or import any stand-alone figures with rigging / bone system of their own, e.g. Mr. Bobble, a rigged character from Blender or other software with FBX format.

    You can search on youtube, there're lots of tutorials related to this topic.

    An alternative, wrap other stand-alone character with Genesis figure by using FaceForm Wrap software. In that way, you don't have to rig anything, just bring the wrapped morph back to Genesis figure in DS. Then you can use all Daz assets on them.

    These are great suggestions. Thank you for your help. I appreciate it. 

  • kprkpr Posts: 103 (because I'd not seen this software b4... looks brilliant)

  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 6,318

    kpr said: (because I'd not seen this software b4... looks brilliant)

    Yeah that's it. The above process just does what Auto-fit does in DS. Actually with Lattice node, you can just send G3F, G9 Clone on G3F and a garment there, no Wrapping node is really needed...

    However, if you go for converting Wearables, you don't have to use Wrap which is much expensive,  Auto-fit is good enough...

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