Transfer Utility problem

I am following a tutorial on how to make a shirt. I used GoZ to send my Ogre HD from DAZ to ZBrush. I then made a shirt by masking off the shirt location on his body and then converted the mask into polygroups, etc.

After doing some detailing on the shirt, I decided to test it on the Ogre in DAZ (using GoZ). At first it look OK though for some reason there were a few poke-throughs on his upper back (which were not there in ZBrush). But when I did the Transfer Utility on the shirt - it blew up. No matter what I did, it blew up.

I don’t know why but the forum won’t upload my picts. So let me describe the blowup. It is like the Ogre jumped from some place high and the air was caught in the shirt ballooning it up over his head and out from his body. The Ogre’s arms dropped below the arm holes and created two new holes.

What am I doing wrong?


  • LD1LD1 Posts: 135

    I forgot to add - Previously I was able to successfully use Transfer Utility to do this (create a different shirt) with a Genesis 8M. So I think I have the steps down correctly. This is why I am perplexed.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 99,568

    Ideally clothing should be modelled aroound the base shape, with a morph or morphs added for the target shape, but you can set the Source Shape to whatever morph is used (or Current for multiple morphs) and enable reverse Source Shape from Target in the options to get a reasonable result (though the greater the difference from the base shape the more it may struggle).

  • LD1LD1 Posts: 135

    Thanks for your reply but I am still confused about the balooning. What caused it on my second shirt when it didn't happen on my first shirt?

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 99,568

    By first/second you eman before/after transfering? Before transfering the shirt is just at reast, after it is fitted to the figure as a piece of clothing it gets any morphs on the figure  projected into it - so you get the original ogre shape, from modelling around that, then the projection of the active morphs on the figure; the result is effectively the shape applied twice.

  • LD1LD1 Posts: 135

    What I meant is that I followed two tutorials. Both ended by me using the Transfer utility to make the shirts adhere to the figure.

    The first one worked perfectly but the second one’s shirt ballooned up when I used the transfer tool.

    I guess I will have to chalk this up as a learning experience. From now on I will periodically send the cloths that I make to DAZ and make sure that the transfer utility is working OK before continuing - I spent a lot of time on that second shirt getting it just right - what a waste of time since I can’t use it now. Oh well.

    Richard - thanks for trying to help.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 99,568

    Were both shirts made around the same morphed figure, or was the first made around a base shaped figure?

  • LD1LD1 Posts: 135

    No. The first (which worked) was around the G8Male Developer (Base figure) and the second was around the Ogre HD that was created/morphed from a base figure (not morphed by me - I bought it that way).

    Your question got me to wondering. So I sent over the G8Male /developer (Base) model to ZBrush and retraced the steps for creating the second shirt - it worked perfectly. No ballooning.

    I then went back and resent the Ogre HD and start to retrace the steps. I only did a few steps and then sent it back to DAZ. It ballooned up! .

    My final test was to send over a Satyr that was a stand alone character - not one morphed from a human character. It worked perfectly.

    So am I correct that this mean you can't create cloths for morhed figures? Or am I missing an important step?

  • lilweeplilweep Posts: 2,418
    edited March 13

    define 'ballooned up'. Or just post an image, as that would probably be helpful.

    I dont think there is a problem using transfer utility that could not be very easily fixed with an additional corrective or geometry replacement.

    Post edited by lilweep on
  • lilweeplilweep Posts: 2,418

    LD1 said:

     Or am I missing an important step?

    Well that depends, did you actually follow Richard's instructions:

     enable reverse Source Shape from Target in the options 

  • lilweeplilweep Posts: 2,418
    edited March 13

    If I spent a lot of time making a garment that I wanted to use on the Ogre HD model, I would:

    1. import the garment on Ogre HD
    2. ensure transformations are all baked (i.e., do not move/translate/scale the garment after importing it!)
    3.  rig it using Transfer Utility (ensuring the reverse source shape option was ticked)
    4. if there is any weird pokethrough (expected to be relatively minor and perhaps no massive ballooing as described), then load the correct shape of the garment as a morph using morph loader pro
    5. dial in new morph corrective (potentially you can link the morph to the Ogre HD morph as a "Full Body Morph (FBM)" if you feel so inclined).
    6. Test if working when figure is posed
    Post edited by lilweep on
  • LD1LD1 Posts: 135

    Richard: The forum finally let me upload some picts. So I uploaded the before and after images of when I used the Transfer Utility. That is what I mean by ballooning up

    Lilweep, yes I tried to tick the Reverse source shape option that Richard suggested. Problem is - it won’t let me check it. I have uploaded the Transfer Utility settings window to show you what settings I do have checked.

    Do either of you have any other ideas? If not, thanks for trying to help.

    Shirt 1.jpg
    936 x 432 - 77K
    Shirt 3.jpg
    472 x 663 - 62K
  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 6,318

    That's the issue mentioned above... Firstly you need to select "Current" from Source - Item Shape dropdownlist, then you're able to check "Reverse Source Shape from Target"...

  • LD1LD1 Posts: 135

    That worked!! FYI: The tutorial’s instructor was only making a shirt for ZBrush. Not one to be sent to DAZ. So he never said how to set it up in DAZ. I was just using the settings from a different Video tutorial. Those settings worked for that tutorial since I was creating a shirt for a Base figure. Not for a morphed figure.

    Now I know better!

    Thanks to all three of you for your help.

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