A valid PostgreSQL CMS connection could not be established

Hello. I'm a new user to Daz. I'm just following a tutorial that's supposed to end with Blender, but I'm receiving the following error:
A valid PostgreSQL CMS connection could not be established. Several DAZ Studio features that require a valid PostgreSQL CMS connection, such as context aware content views and loading content installed during the Daz Connect service, will not be available. Check your network, anti-virus, and firewall settings for conflicts
I've been following advice posted here:
However, for step 7, when it says 'Once you have selected the port to assigned Daz Studio to, select “Accept.”' I'm not sure what that means. Am I supposed to be finding the correct port to assign it to somewhere or do I just pick a random port number? I tried picking a random number and I'm running into the same issue.
Any number should be fine, as long as it isn't too low (there are some reserved values, like 80 for HTTP).
Ok. In my post, I mentioned that I did try entering a random number and it didn't work. But I restarted everything a second time and tried again. It seems to be working now. Thank you.