Particle Shader "Age"
Posts: 441
short questions Particle Shader "Age":
How works it exactly and which function in the particle editor is it?
There is no information in the Carrara manual.
Good day, my friend!
I was just talking about this stuff over here, in the "Volcano" thread!
If that doesn't solve it for you, let me know and I'll dig further for you!
Later, rk!
A particle is "Born" when it's emitted,. and each particle has a Lifetime,.until,it dies and disappears
in the paticle emitter settings this is the particle lifetime, in the section titled "a particle's life"
You can set an overall lifetlime with an optional plus or minus variable.
In the Carrara Manual, there should be some information on pages 160 to 168,. particles and shaders
In the shader tree, you'd create a simple mixer of two colours in the colour channel and use the "particle age" shader as the "Blend" element
the particles will be born one colour, and change to the next colour over thier lifetime.
Or for even more fun, use a Color Gradient driven by the Particle shader. Then you can control how long it stays one color, or have it go through a whole rainbow of colors over time.
Best thanks, it helps.