"Could not find file..."

Since shifting to a new PC, Daz can't seem to find some files and I have to "Locate" them. The problem is it doesn't seem to them remember where the files are. It's clearly looking in the wrong directory or Daz Library. How do I tell it where to look?  This problem also means there are no files in the Smart Content tab while all the files are there in the Content Library tab.


  • SofaCitizenSofaCitizen Posts: 1,785

    Those would be two separate issues.

    Make sure that you have added all the base libraries to the new machine that were configured in the old machine and that you have not nested any base libraries. If you cannot figure out what is wrong please post screenshots detailing your base library setups on both machines and double-checking that the entire base libraries have been copied exactly (or shared) on the new machine. This would help anyone here to more acurately help point out where the issue is.

    Only once the above is done should you fix the Smart Content issue which just involves reimporting the metadata. However, this step should not be done until you fix the first problem.

  • DekeDeke Posts: 1,625

    Thanks. I'll look into that. It does seem that Daz is trying to find a file according to an old file structure. The real glitch is that it doesn't seem to remember when I do locate the file in the new location.

  • SofaCitizenSofaCitizen Posts: 1,785

    Well, you shouldn't be getting missing file errors if the product has no errors, the file structure is correct, the libraries are added correctly and you have a required prerequisites installed. So if you do get them and supply a new location then Daz will use the new path and keep that if you save the scene but it won't update the actual product.

    Does the scene/product you are trying to use definitely work on the old machine? And assuming you copied the entire base library to the new machine is it definitely intact? Also, did you accidentally log into your account within Daz Studio (thus enabling Daz Connect) on the old machine? If so then when you copied the base library across you may be missing installed products on the new one that now need to be installed via DIM.

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