"I've become addicted to TV" September Freebie Challenge



  • DanaTADanaTA Posts: 13,264
    edited December 1969

    KRISSY, I will help Rob with the judging. I was just waiting for you to beg,

    You so bad! :-P


  • Gloomy007Gloomy007 Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Epic struggle. I had a whole pile of TV series to cover. Technology scoffed. This'll have to do ...


    Scary Basement by Mr Sparky at Poser Direct (17th down)

    Couch & table from a set by Guderun, no longer on Sharecg, probably cause she made a better one:

    Poser Crack from Shar3d (Pages of Stuff 4, 2nd row on the right)

    Brownies by Skylab at Sharecg (reg req)

    Pizza by EdgeVerse at Sharecg

    HIRO 3

    Bert head morph from Bert & Beatrix by kimber at Sharecg (reg req)

    Etienne clothes by Vintageadzan at Sharecg (reg req)

    Top Hat by PhilC (13th row from the bottom, on the left)

    DAVID on left

    M4 Kirk Hair by Mylochka at Sharecg (reg req)


    Lance (mat) by AgathaPaige at Sharecg (reg req)

    Luke Jeans by Mada at Faeriedreams (top row on the right)

    LQ G2 Male Hair from Qraffx

    DAVID on right

    Kyler (mat) by BrokenWings at Sharecg (reg req)

    Concrete Extant clothes by Vintageadzan at Sharecg (reg req)

    Meronym 1484 shoes by Vintageadzan at Sharecg (reg req)

    M4 Short Dreads by SickleYield at Sharecg (reg req)

    M2 Military Dogtag by Zippo at Lab108 (10th down)


    Fifties Dinette Set (chair, glasses), a DAZ freebie from 2010

    Microwave by web_wizard at Renderosity, where I'm not allowed

    1950 Refrigerator & Stove by Frightings, whose site has disappeared, and they're not on Sharecg either with the items by his alter ego Midnightrider

    Arick M3 mat by liquidanime, vanished from Sharecg

    Alyson Clothing (shirt) I had attributed to "afterworldz", but can't find it now

    Me like it man.. you gorgot about the circle men .. and my favorite character,, hey were is Jackie :P

    Wil lcheck it tommorow when will get a time .
    Oh and thank you Dorsey... I hpe you do not want a cakce after that ..I put all of my half liquid cheese cakes next to jepperz catapult :P

    On another note the gallery is up to date :) http://ovbi.org/gallery/v/FreebieChallenge/Sept2012/

    And on another side note. I am not availible tommorow since afternoon till sunday ... I go at last to a concert :) was waiting for this one since january :D:D And really forgot that it is tommorow, thought it's next week, good that I checked those tickets :)

  • music2u4umusic2u4u Posts: 2,822
    edited December 1969

    DanaTA said:

    Nice. I never watched the show, but I remember ads for it with that big ball. I seem to remember someone inside the ball...is that right?


    Now this one I do remember. It had that Patrick guy in it that also stared in "Secret Agent Man". The ball was empty but it blew across the beach at the end of the theme song.


  • music2u4umusic2u4u Posts: 2,822
    edited December 1969

    Krissy said:
    BWSman said:
    "The Prisoner"

    Rover: hi-poly ball prop, PoserPro 2012 content

    Hair: Male hair for the P4 guy, PoserPro 2012 content

    Figure: Ichiro, PoserPro 2012 content

    Ichiro should be considered a paid-for since you can purchase it separately.

    Hmm.. but you can also purchase a lot of DS content separetly, and it was never an issue, when someone used the one that came with DS...

    I think our highly enlighted leader should give some input into this :D

    And on a side note.. I got today 3 notifications .. yay :)

    The difference here is Poser is a paid for program, so any included content is not free. Daz Studio is a free app, so any included content IS free.


  • TJohnTJohn Posts: 11,228
    edited December 1969

    Patrick McGoohan.

  • music2u4umusic2u4u Posts: 2,822
    edited December 1969

    chohole said:
    The gen 4 figure were declared as Neutral when DAZ 3D changed them from free to paid characters. It was debated at the time, and declared the best way to deal with the problem because at the time they were the most used figures, whether one used DS or Poser, because at that time Genesis hadn't arrived on the scene.

    Genesis is of course free with DS4, and DS4 is free at the current time, do that is obviously a freebie that everyone could obtain for free if they were so inclined.

    Figures that come with Poser, which is a paid for program are by definition not free, because you have to purchase Poser in order to use them, and in your case Poser 2012, which is the latest and most expensive version of Poser.

    We do allow Poser as one of the rendering programs allowed, but do exclude content which comes with specific versions of the program.

    For Freebie items to be counted as freebies they need to be available for anyone and everyone at zero price and not dependent on a separate purchase to get them.

    I am not certain if we ever did clarify whether Poser specific figures would be considered as paid for or neutral, but one that is included in Poser 2012 content but is also available as a paid for item separately would certainly not be considered a freebie.

    Please check the rules

    Well said Cho...and right on the money.


  • music2u4umusic2u4u Posts: 2,822
    edited September 2012

    Never mind. Not worth it.

    Sorry if you do not agree with our rules Sean. These rules are for everyone, not just you. No one is singling you out. None of these would be a counted for freebie anyway, just a neutral item, so I don't see what's the issue. V4 and M4 are neutral items. Please try again.


    Post edited by music2u4u on
  • music2u4umusic2u4u Posts: 2,822
    edited December 1969

    chohole said:
    Not if it's a standard part of poser. Poser is allowed as a renderer, which means that you would need to use poser lights, stands to reason.

    Well, see, here's the problem.

    You cant use it in Studio, because DS wont read IBLs from Poser, therefore it doesnt fall under the category of a tool anyone can use. It's a light, which makes it no different from a prop or a texture. If we're allowing it because it's part of the "standard part of Poser", then so is any character mesh that comes with the program, just as one would expect to be able to use primitives, which in my other entry I do, to carry the wall and floor.

    So IMHO it stands to reason that it — and the primitives employed — should be listed as a paid item. And if so, then I must regretfully pull my other entry.

    Please advise.

    The freebies are about content, not infrastructure. Lighting, dynamics, particles, etc that are part of the base tech of the software fall outside of "content." Poser can't do geo-grafting. DS can't do dynamic hair. But none of that is "content."


    Correct Kendall. Content is seperate from the app. It is offered seperately even.


  • music2u4umusic2u4u Posts: 2,822
    edited December 1969

    chohole said:
    Not if it's a standard part of poser. Poser is allowed as a renderer, which means that you would need to use poser lights, stands to reason.

    Well, see, here's the problem.

    You cant use it in Studio, because DS wont read IBLs from Poser, therefore it doesnt fall under the category of a tool anyone can use. It's a light, which makes it no different from a prop or a texture. If we're allowing it because it's part of the "standard part of Poser", then so is any character mesh that comes with the program, just as one would expect to be able to use primitives, which in my other entry I do, to carry the wall and floor.

    So IMHO it stands to reason that it — and the primitives employed — should be listed as a paid item. And if so, then I must regretfully pull my other entry.

    Please advise.

    The freebies are about content, not infrastructure. Lighting, dynamics, particles, etc that are part of the base tech of the software fall outside of "content." Poser can't do geo-grafting. DS can't do dynamic hair. But none of that is "content."


    And I would respectfully disagree. An IBL light is not the same as a simple spot or point. It uses an image as its base. If Poser is to be used strictly as a rendering engine, then nothing contained in the libraries should be allowed — and that apparently should include IBL lighting because the image used for the IBL is no different from a texture applied to a prop. It is a piece of the library that is unique to Poser, and that alone would mean that if I'm to be allowed to use the lighting, I should at the very least change the IBL *image* to something that comes from a free source... but not the images that come with the program.

    Merely trying to understand where you draw the line. I sweated bullets on that first image, getting everything to work just right within Poser itself. Everything was prepped before it went into the render to create the look of postwork: shadows, perspective on textures, the whole shot. There is, as far as I can see, only one place where it betrays itself, but since no one's caught it, I'm gonna consider it good as is. Unfortunately that image, as tuned as it is, included an image-based light that, according to your rules, should have been disqualified.

    Lights are not something that are easily read. The uberlighting system comes with Daz now, and it is used without question I am sure, but again, how does one identify a type of lighting used. We usually try to keep things here simple and honest. One could take their render into photoshop, a paid for program, and do it up without saying and it would probably get by, but we choose to believe folks are generally honest here, and our judges do examine all the nominations carefully.

    My suggestion to you, not being phycesious, is if you really are so THAT technically frustrated and/or confused, then maybe this contest is not for you. We are just a bunch of simple fun loving folks who do this to congrigate and share what we render and help one another learn. The prizes are not that great, I make most of them myself...lol. and we have others that give to help support what we do. If you can shake the frustration long enough to just have some simple fun, we are for you, and we will help in any way we can....but....WE WILL NOT CHANGE OUR RULES FOR YOU OR ANYONE!....that is final...lol.


  • music2u4umusic2u4u Posts: 2,822
    edited September 2012

    chohole said:
    Do you know if I wasn't a moderator, and didn't have to keep my head while all around me are losing theirs, I could really say something here.

    Eustace, Sean, can you please stop quibbling about silly things and get back to the fun and frolics that the freebie challenge is supposed to be all about and has been all about for 5 years now.

    Sean, Krissy has already said she will take it on her head to bend the rules slightly for you on your first entry.

    So please now lets get back to the fun of the normal freebie challenge, without all the challenges about the freebies.

    Use that whooping stick Cho...I will not stand in your way...lmao.

    Seriously, this is a contest for fun. I am sure that if you had used what you did, Sean, and just did not claim it as a paid for, nor a freebie, your entry would have been fine.


    Post edited by music2u4u on
  • music2u4umusic2u4u Posts: 2,822
    edited December 1969

    chohole said:
    please stop quibbling about silly things

    With all due respect, this is not silly. You have rules. I gather you expect them to be adhered to.

    Thank you.

    I don't think IBL, Poser or otherwise, is, or ever has been in 5 years an issue. Think about that!


  • music2u4umusic2u4u Posts: 2,822
    edited September 2012

    tjohn said:
    "Silly" was probably not the precise word to use; but "quibbling" was.

    You know, I've long accepted that when I post an image in these fora, it's bound to be roundly ignored.

    And now, when I ask a serious question about your rules and regulations, I can now count on derision from the admin and the Kool Kids Klub.

    Thank you. It's good for me to know my place.

    ermmm...excuse me Sean, now I know you are not happy that our rules don't fit your likeing, but most rules don't, and I can appreciate that you are getting a kick out of straining our brains to their limit with your confusions and frustrations, but I draw the line when it comes to you calling us KKK. I know that is what you meant and shame on you. If you don't like our contest...then bounce! But do not call us names like that.

    Have a nice day!


    Post edited by music2u4u on
  • music2u4umusic2u4u Posts: 2,822
    edited December 1969

    Yeah, I've got another piece I want to enter, but can't get the bloody thing to render without it force quitting Daz. Two of the figures used are completely custom made (and free), and originally designed for Poser, but the creator of them said they should work in Daz, but they both are causing the program to quit every time I try and render it. They're integral to the piece, and cannot be done without, so removing them is not really an option.

    I would check and see if they were created for DS4 use or DS4.5 use. They are different and 4.5 compatible stuff will not work well in 4.0, even if made for Poser. I would check the date on them.

  • Eustace ScrubbEustace Scrubb Posts: 2,705
    edited December 1969

    Yeah, I've got another piece I want to enter, but can't get the bloody thing to render without it force quitting Daz. Two of the figures used are completely custom made (and free), and originally designed for Poser, but the creator of them said they should work in Daz, but they both are causing the program to quit every time I try and render it. They're integral to the piece, and cannot be done without, so removing them is not really an option.

    What figures are you talking about? I may have them myself and could try to replicate the problem. Are they by Sixus1, by any chance?

  • Gloomy007Gloomy007 Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    chohole said:

    Sean, Krissy has already said she will take it on her head to bend the rules slightly for you on your first entry.

    So please now lets get back to the fun of the normal freebie challenge, without all the challenges about the freebies.

    Hey chohole.. no rules bent.. 3 payed for items counted ;) 3 allowed.

    And good morning everyone :D

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    edited December 1969

    Krissy I have sent you a PM

    499 x 440 - 42K
  • Gloomy007Gloomy007 Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    chohole said:
    Krissy I have sent you a PM

    Got it and answered..
    The poor mousy .. I hope the picture have a happy ending ;)

  • BWSmanBWSman Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Just saw this in a threat in the Commons concerning ShareCG:

    Marco dd said:
    This is an email I received directly from David in response to a message that I posted on his blog:

    Hi .... We'll be announcing our road-map on the blog and
    directly to users who have items uploaded on the site, next Monday.
    Basically we will be giving all users the option to pay and not see any
    advertisements or not pay and see advertisements. There's more to this
    scenario, but this is the basic concept. Essentially if you don't want
    to pay you will experience the site as you have been experiencing it
    with no change.

    There's more detail that you'll see on Monday, but by giving all users
    these options they can decide for themselves how they want to experience
    the site.


    ShareCG Admin

    So it looks like ShareCG will still be a freebie site.

  • DollyGirlDollyGirl Posts: 2,657
    edited December 1969

    My last entry. I have been cleaning out my backlog of downloads and I came across this fellow. As a youngun I just loved the Christmas season on TV. This show was one of my favorites.

    Title: Your a Mean One
    Software: DAZStudo 4.5
    Postwork: PSP Signature and poke through


    Décor: Chair Armchair Cristofer guy by Ju Julia. This is a .3ds model
    Décor: Mirror Mirror 3D Model by Arkady Kazaryan. This is a .3ds model
    Décor: Pumpkin * Carved Halloween Pumpkin by PhilC. PhilC Freebie
    Environment: Lighting InaneGlory's Simple Soft Lighting by InaneGlory.
    Environment: Sky * Sky Dome by glaseye.
    Environment: Sky * Skydome Expansion 1 by glaseye.
    Grinch * The Grinch for Poser by mhgraphx01.
    Lettering: Grinch The Alphabet by Portrait Studio. Prop
    Lettering: Max * LL-Letter by LittleLogan.
    Max Lyne's Creations Wolves & Wild Dogs by Lyne's Creations.
    Shader: Christmas Tree Shader Mixer Fur Presets by Pendraia.
    Shader: Metals * Ultimate Shader Pack for DAZ Studio by Georgehaze.
    Shader: Mirror and Christmas Tree * Shader Pack 1 for Daz|Studio 3 by Groovemaster.

    Paid for cause that is the rules:
    Poser Dog from Poser Debut which I got free last December.

    No count
    Shader: Mirror * Wood Shaders for DAZ Studio by Marieah. Day 4
    Shader: Christmas Tree * MP Shaders by Elliandra.
    Décor: Rug * Holiday Room Extras by maclean and Anniebel. Day 6
    Décor: Mirror Puff Set by Krissy. June Freebie Prize

    1000 x 1000 - 807K
  • robkelkrobkelk Posts: 3,259
    edited September 2012

    Hey, I'm back! Anythng happen while I was gone?


    Oh, boy...

    Whenever I'm away for more than a day, High Drama takes place. Why?

    Oh... Wait...

    KRISSY, I will help Rob with the judging. I was just waiting for you to beg,


    Now, isn't it about time for some pie? (looks at table beside me) :coolgrin:

    Post edited by robkelk on
  • Tramp GraphicsTramp Graphics Posts: 2,412
    edited December 1969

    Shaaelia said:
    Tramp, are you on a window's machine?
    Nope. Mac Mini running OS X Snow Leopard. 32-bit Intel Core Duo, 2GB RAM.
  • Tramp GraphicsTramp Graphics Posts: 2,412
    edited December 1969

    music2u4u said:
    Yeah, I've got another piece I want to enter, but can't get the bloody thing to render without it force quitting Daz. Two of the figures used are completely custom made (and free), and originally designed for Poser, but the creator of them said they should work in Daz, but they both are causing the program to quit every time I try and render it. They're integral to the piece, and cannot be done without, so removing them is not really an option.

    I would check and see if they were created for DS4 use or DS4.5 use. They are different and 4.5 compatible stuff will not work well in 4.0, even if made for Poser. I would check the date on them.

    They were originally created for Poser. The guy who made them said they should work in Daz, but he doesn't use Daz at all.

  • Tramp GraphicsTramp Graphics Posts: 2,412
    edited December 1969

    Yeah, I've got another piece I want to enter, but can't get the bloody thing to render without it force quitting Daz. Two of the figures used are completely custom made (and free), and originally designed for Poser, but the creator of them said they should work in Daz, but they both are causing the program to quit every time I try and render it. They're integral to the piece, and cannot be done without, so removing them is not really an option.

    What figures are you talking about? I may have them myself and could try to replicate the problem. Are they by Sixus1, by any chance?Nope. I'll PM you the links.

  • jeeperzjeeperz Posts: 1,102
    edited December 1969

    after seeing the cat pix that cho posted I found this one that made me fall off my chair

    483 x 710 - 60K
  • ShanarahShanarah Posts: 94
    edited December 1969

    Dollygirl said:
    My last entry. I have been cleaning out my backlog of downloads and I came across this fellow. As a youngun I just loved the Christmas season on TV. This show was one of my favorites.

    Title: Your a Mean One
    Software: DAZStudo 4.5
    Postwork: PSP Signature and poke through

    Another nice one, Dollygirl! I loved this holiday special too. I especially loved Thurl Ravenscroft singing the Youre a Mean One, Mr. Grinch song. :)

  • Gloomy007Gloomy007 Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Dollygirl. Awesome render. Just want to remind everyone that today is the last day for entries. Contest ends at 23.59 DAZ time ( about 7.59 my time) this time I will not accept any entry posted after this time.

    And ahh.. I had so much fun yesterday at the show.. pretty mad thou, because if my man would ot be hurry me to go I would have some photos with the band ...
    But they were really cool, and also on stage nice.

    Ahh .. Nice to go once in few months out and leave the worries behind..

  • vwranglervwrangler Posts: 4,903
    edited September 2012

    For some reason, I got this idea, and it wouldn't leave. And so:

    Title: They're creepy and they're kookey. Mysterious and spookey.
    Software: DS 4 Pro, 3Delight
    Postwork: None whatsoever.

    Paid for: Genesis for Morticia


    Lighting, Art Direction, Set Decoration:
    Halloween House by Teatan (includes ground plane and background)
    Front Porch by Martin
    Caustic Light sets by Wsupatoi1

    Mirai texture for V4 by NatRat (texture only, not the morph)
    Mortella dress for Genesis
    R72 Sim Velvet Shaders by Samuel, used for the dress
    Desert Rose hair for V4 by Arah018
    Genesis Low Heeled Shoes by Wilma P (not really visible, unfortunately)

    Project Human: Adam by Sixus1Media
    Studio Maya short cut hair, which was a freebie when I got it a couple years ago, but seems to have vanished from the net
    The Cassock from Flayer by Sixus1Media as his shirt (Adam doesn't have a suit, alas
    The pants come with Adam.

    Project Human: HIM by Sixus1Media as Thing's Hand, with the rest of his body made invisible in Studio
    Decorative Wooden Tissue box by 3DCheapskate as Thing's box stack

    Cousin It: Valens Hair by Dyald, turned around and scaled WAY up.

    The innocent visiting bystander:
    Antonia Standard by Poser Place
    Antonia Business Suit by PhilC
    Antonia Hair 1_09 by PhilC

    1441 x 872 - 2M
    Post edited by vwrangler on
  • Takeo.KenseiTakeo.Kensei Posts: 1,303
    edited December 1969

    Krissy said:

    Oh and I saw on one of the sites the mistery machine van, and I ask myself why is i there availible, and noone grabbed it and used it :P :P :P

    Here you go then :)

    Not counted Items :

    Genesis x 4
    Wildmane Hair
    Aldora Hair
    K4 Basic T-Shirt

    Freebie List :

    Millenium Dog LE http://www.daz3d.com/shop/free-3d-models-and-content
    DieTrying’s 182 V4 Morphs for Genesis http://www.sharecg.com/v/58198/View/11/Poser/DieTryings-182-V4-Morphs-for-Genesis
    Beard M4 http://www.renderosity.com/mod/freestuff/details.php?item_id=54631
    Bob Hair http://www.renderosity.com/mod/freestuff/details.php?item_id=63232
    Morphing Glass for V4 http://www.most-digital-creations.com/free_poser_poses_textures_morphs_props_21.htm
    Cargo Pants M4 http://www.optitex-dynamiccloth.com/FreebieDownload04.php
    Tokyo Shirt http://www.optitex-dynamiccloth.com/FreebieDownload09.php
    Ottawa Pant & New Delhi Skirt http://www.optitex-dynamiccloth.com/FreebieDownload10.php
    Boyfriend Sweater http://www.optitex-dynamiccloth.com/FreebieDownload01.php
    Mystery Machine Van http://www.poserdirect.com/freebie.html
    Lovely Sense Dress http://www.artraiders.com/download_page.php?file_id=233
    Leather Boot http://www.artraiders.com/download_page.php?file_id=135
    Old Industrial Hall HDRI http://www.hdrlabs.com/sibl/archive.html

    Required Freebie : Antonia Hair http://www.philc.net/freestuff_archive.php

    1920 x 1080 - 1007K
  • DorseylandDorseyland Posts: 724
    edited December 1969


    Late stragglers still coming in (and great work too!), but Judge Dorseyland will be taking his final look at the thread about 7pm today DAZ time, which in the "advanced" time zone elsewhere in the galaxy will be 8am Monday October 1. Then his winner choices go to Krissy.

    If you get an entry in after that, not to worry -- Krissy and Rob will presumably still be here sipping champagne at midnight DAZ time when the door slams. You just won't have my vote (and you know what a push-over I am).

    Best of digital luck to all.

    439 x 327 - 35K
  • Gloomy007Gloomy007 Posts: 0
    edited December 1969

    Ok guys.. I ended up sleeping the whole day ( Coming home at 3 AM, and waking up at 8 and being full of energy in my age is not possible... I am so to old for that) and I see another awesome, awesome entries :)

    Takeo.Kensei a what cool ! I love scoobie doo. I remember when I was a child and my mom was getting a video tapes from a rental store so we can watch it :D .. oh memories :)

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