reset / fix library

in New Users
Is there a way to reset or repair the library? Do I need to reinstall everything?
I modified a character and wanted to save it via save as --> support asset --> figure / prope ( )
However, this seems to have corrupted the entire library. Now all characters take a long time to load and appear modified... Especially their heads look strange (screen)... Only the new modified character appears normal. Removing it doesn't fix the issue. Interestingly, environments work normally, so the problem seems isolated to the characters. What did I do wrong again? XD

2600 x 2000 - 3M
The problem is most likely that you save a morph (or a property linking several morphs) with a non-zero default value, so it loads with that value every time you load the figure.
You will need to modify that morph or property to set its default value to zero again, and then resave the modified asset.
The easy fix is to remove the morph you created and all the morphs that were saved in the folder that you named and created when saving the first ever morph as support asset.
The location of the folder is: \Data\DAZ 3D\[Base Character]\Female\Morphs\[Name of your folder]\
Saving as Support Asset is NOT for saving dialed up characters, it is meant for saving morphs that one created by one self in some modelling program.
If one wants to save a dialed up character, memorize the figure first and then save it as a Scene Subset or a character preset.
Thx. I deleted the ".duf" files associated with the new character (there weren't any other morph files present). However, this didn't resolve the issue. Since my library is located on a separate drive, I went ahead and deleted the entire "Daz3D" folder within the "data" directory. Unfortunately, this also didn't help, even though the new character itself was saved on the C drive in this location.
Uninstalling and reinstalling Genesis 8 Essential proved unsuccessful as well.
Interestingly, the modification dates on most characters within the folder "D:\Daz3D\My Library\data\DAZ 3D\Genesis 8\Female\Morphs" indicate they haven't been changed recently. This suggests it's unlikely that individual characters were overwritten.
While reinstalling the female characters (which are thankfully a limited number) wouldn't be a huge task, I'm unsure if it would actually fix the problem. Probably not, because I tried reisntaling one of character.
where those morphs files? :<
Fixing the face seems manageable. The body, however, needs more work. I'm not sure where to begin with that.
But wouldn't redoing the morphs create even more problems if the issue lies with the main character used in new character itself? Or should I perform this process on the base Genesis 8 character?
You need to understand how the system works.
At first one has just the base figure, for example Genesis 8 Female.
The base figure has very little morphs to start with.
One can the buy additional morphs (Characters or morph packs), which will be picked up and added to the figure when loading the figure or when opening a previously saved scene.
One can see these morphs as dials in the Parameters Tab
If some of those morphs have been saved as Morph Asset with a non-zero default value, the morph will be active on every Character one loads to the scene and even every previously saved scene that uses the same base figure (for example Genesis 8 Female)
The Characters are not changed in any way, it is just the morph (or Character) that has been saved as a Morph Asset with a non-zero default value that is being applied to every Genesis 8 Female based Character and one either needs to remove that morph (or Character) or set it's default value to zero (in the actual morph file)
If you still are suffering from the problem, it means you still have the morph installed in a place where DS can find it.
Which base figure are you using?
Ok, thank you for your suggestions. I analyzed the log files and went ahead and uninstalled and deleted probably all related folders. Actually, the biggest culprit seems to have been a character named Josephine. Even though I didnt used her to create my character, and her morphs weren't active in the shaping pane, she was still causing problems. I don't even recognize this character - it's probably not from daz - and it appeared in the tab in a metallic gray form (without any skin, hair, or makeup).
Anyway the problem affected all characters (Genesis 8 and 8.1). The facial morphs were mainly from Pepper (first character uninstalled and removed).
Problem is almost solved, the characters load normally, and it doesn't take a few minutes, but in logs, but the logs still report a lot warnings... still trying to load expresiosn from Josephine.
but overall everything seems to be working... I don't know how problematic these warnings are xD
RGB parameters out of range - Ignore
Nested directory encountered while adding a content folder: - Can cause a lot of trouble, must fix
Error writing author data. - Everybody gets this
3DConnexion Plug-in Error: Could not create Device - If you don't have such mouse, disable the plugin
QLayout: Attempting to add QLayout "" to HEATView "" - Disable/uninstall/burn to ashes the Heat-plugin !!!