GoZ suddenly not working

Ive been using Daz and Zbrush together for more than a year, and suddenly last night when attempting to send an object to Zbrush through the GoZ bridge, I got an error message stating, couldn't launch Zbrush, Please check the installer. I had not made any upgrades to Daz or Zbrush whatsoever. 

First I restarted Daz. No effect. Next I uninstalled GoZ through Install Manager, and Re Installed GoZ. Launched Daz and attempted to re-send the object to Zbrush. Zbrush started and Immediatly crashed returning me to Daz Studio.

Next, I Uninstalled and re-installed Daz studio. No effect. Then, I uninstalled Zbrush and Re-installed Zbrush. Re-installed GoZ first using Install Manager and then when that still didn't work I tried installing through Daz Central as this often fixes installation issues. No effect. 

When I try to send an object or figure to Zbrush now, I am prompted to choose "use existing deformations, etc" as usual. but then Zbrush doesn't start at all. Nothing happens. 

Zbrush opens and functions fine on its own. 

While looking at Install manager I noticed that installed it has "-1 bytes" as the file size. When I attempt to unistall through Install manager it sits there "hanging" continuing to uninstall without actually making any progress at all on the progress bar. I end up having to delete the package itself. 



  • frank0314frank0314 Posts: 13,921
    edited May 15

    In the Installed tab select GoZ and Uninstall it. Rt Click on it again in the Ready To Install Tab and select Delete which is move it back to the Ready to Download tab and force a redownload of it and then see if the size changes and if so reinstall it and see if it works then.

    Post edited by frank0314 on
  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 6,277

    Odd ~~ You said you didn't upgrade Goz and ZB... but have you updated any other Windows components / fix / software / DLL, etc. etc ?

  • suttojdssuttojds Posts: 2

    crosswind said:

    Odd ~~ You said you didn't upgrade Goz and ZB... but have you updated any other Windows components / fix / software / DLL, etc. etc ?


    No, I had been using the GoZ function just a few hour prior. I had not made any updates to windows, no changes to Zbrush, no update of Daz. 

  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 6,277

    Well... if so, you may try: go to the application folder of ZBrush, there's a sub-folder named "Troubleshoot Help", excute the file - GoZ_for_ZBrush_Installer_WIN.exe

    Then in ZBrush, Preferences - GoZ, firstly "Clear cache files", then "Force reinstall". See if it works...

  • suttojdssuttojds Posts: 2

    crosswind said:

    Well... if so, you may try: go to the application folder of ZBrush, there's a sub-folder named "Troubleshoot Help", excute the file - GoZ_for_ZBrush_Installer_WIN.exe

    Then in ZBrush, Preferences - GoZ, firstly "Clear cache files", then "Force reinstall". See if it works...

    I tried this as you suggested. It also did not work.

    Considering that the issue seemed to be with both Install Manager unable to uninstall GoZ for whatever reason, as well as listing the file size as -1mb, I tried a manual download of GoZ for Daz and installed it.THAT seems to have fixed the problem. I have no idea why this occured or why IM was not able to uninstall and reinstall. Very frustrating. But thank you for your help!


  • bicc39bicc39 Posts: 589

    Two questions:

    !. What versions of Zbrush and Daz are you using?

    2. Before the problems started did you run  or allow to run any type cleaner on the pc


    One solution depends on your work habits. Do you perform weekly back ups.(even an older backup would be helpful)

    One of the most important things to me about Daz is Goz.

    What you are describing, to me, would be catastrophic....

    Months ago I had a a similar problem.

    In the goz installer there is a list and location if files installed, one was missing

    I truly have my fingers crossed for you


  • bicc39bicc39 Posts: 589

    Congratulations on fixing problem!!!!

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