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If it's hollow it obviously can't be flat, therefore the flat earth people are quit clearly wrong as it's obviously hollow as we haven't sunk, because if we had sunk we'd all be in the lifeboats, and I'm pretty certain, well as certain as I can be given my limited grasp on reality, that I'm not in a lifeboat because I get seasick, and I don't feel seasick, ergo it's still floating in space and therefore must be hollow. Now it's getting late here in the UK and it's past my bedtime so I'm off for a well earned kip and dreams of flat earth people falling into the hollow centre of the earth, that'll teach them!
We've tried all except the gorilla glue. We even tried a trampoline. More on that later. Maybe.
Now that may be. That would explain why the compass has "north", "south", "east", and "whatever". That may also explain why it's possible to change the light bulbs in the sky without a ladder. Certain medicinal herbs could also explain those things.
In the Star Trek universe, I probably would have acquired a fairly important position as a communications officer, only to be discharged later for being unable to make the hissing sound when the door opens. And losing your job on a starship is the first step toward living in an asteroid.
My legs are falling apart. Not really but extremely exhausted and painful.
...big cluster of thunderstorms storms heading our way from the south here, which will include strong wind, heavy rain, and possibly hail.
We are already under the leading edge "anvil" cloud of an approaching thunderhead This is supposed to continue late into the going to be an interesting several hours.
Non-complaint: Had a great dinner last night. Our high-school class of '66 has had a well attended reunion 'most every 5 years. Last year, some of the planners were trying to make it annual and held one last year, but I didn't go. The annual one for this year fell through officially, but a bunch of us (about 20) got together for an unofficial, impromptu (off-year) reunion dinner. I didn't recognize half the people there, and when I did figure out who they were, It was if the aging-fairy had blessed them with an extra dose of ancient-dust during the last three years.
But the dinner was used as an impromptu meeting to plan for at least one more official 5-year reunion in 2026 (our 60th). And the idea of annual dinners has been officially abandoned.
What's the difference between our "official" and "annual" reunions? The official ones show the same old photos, and hand out an updated list of dead classmates.
Dancing at these events has abated once the canes & walkers started appearing.
Someone messaged me through that facebook thing. They want me to try some gift card thing that allegedly promised ten times profit. I told them I am not interested. They asked if I was afraid. I told them I am not interested. They kept trying to get me to join them. I said I am not interested. I was stern and hopefully they got a hint that I am not interested.
Yes, that is a scam.
...well made it through the dark and stormy evening/night with no casualties. Though the rain was heavy (mixed with a bit of hail now and then ) and winds gusty the power didn't even flicker and by 23:00 (local time) the clouds parted and it was all over. Hearing the thunder was kind if nice though as we usually don't get much of that here compared to the midwest.
Still fairly breezy today but will calm down by tomorrow.
That is why I said I wasn't interested.
Complaint: I couldn't get a second job that I wanted. So I complained to my boss about my hours. (well mentioned it and that i could work also Monday through Wednesday). I just checked my schedule this morning. Non-complaint I work tomorrow.
The cat knows, and is smirking.
Cats always smirk, it's the basic cat face shape.
...because they know they rule the universe.
Okay... so the cat's done sleeping and I'm back now.
I got a free magnet and I'm not completely sure I like it. I don't I can return it for a refund.
You mean they'll give you back nothing?
Of course. lol!
Would they stick it to the back side of a Moebius strip, or try to contain it in a Klein bottle?
My computer says it is 11 minutes to home? I'm in the kitchen. It would take one minute probably to walk to my room.
now to check on dinner in the oven.
Just found out I have arthritis in my left knee. Oh dear.
Here is a Klein Bottle in 3D made in Wings3D by David Brinnen over 16 years ago. I gave it a glass material. At left cut and uncut, right rotated uncut and cut. Bryce render, HDRI lit.
I drew this today without any photo references for the pose. Does it look right?
Yes, but 3D "Klein Bottles" are so disappointing. Whereas, a Moebius Strip is "see-able", and completely understandable. But when confronted with a 3D "Klein Bottle", you can still find a way to pour into and keep something in it, it doesn't live up to the promise of having no distinction between inside and outside.
A real Klein Bottle is still a mathematical mental exercise. You need four dimensions.
But for those who consider that "Time" is the fourth dimension, I still can't see how one could get a real Klein Bottle out of it.
Perhaps "Time" is not the same 4th dimension that Klein Bottles live in
Arghhh..., now we're talking about alternative classes of 4th dimensions. My brain is 'splodin'.
....I like the 5th Diemension , They had nice songs.
"Aquarius/Let the Sunshine In":
"UP, UP and Away":
Someone needs to unload the dishwasher so I can put the dirty dishes in to it. Oh wait! I think the dishwasher is full of my dishes so it is me who needs to put them away.
Is it me or is it I?
I suppose the dimensions don't have to go in order. Perhaps if the first three are height, length, and width, then one object could have a height and length while another object could have a height and width. So maybe they could just skip time and move to whatever the fourth dimension is that they need. But whoever determined it has four dimensions should be able to state what that fourth dimension is. Otherwise, how could they be sure that dimension exists?
...up, up and away....