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I think that may have been what the song was about.
Complaint: I dressed my character in a poncho thingy that takes *5-ever* to dForce. I just calculated that at this speed it's going to take over 1.5 hours for the simulation to run, and I've never had it take anywhere near that long before without the mesh exploding. But I'm too stubborn to cancel now that it's been running for 10 min!
Airplane! I remember watching that with my friend C when I was around 10, and thinking the pilot guy was awfully cute.
<-- Me when I thought a guy was cute, because all my friends crushed on Michael Jackson, but I didn't and had "weird taste!"
Apropos absolutely nothing, I just wanna complain about thinking it's annoying when people say made to instead of had to. "I was made to get up early this morning, because the car is at service and I was made to catch a bus." And also when use from to mean because, all the time. "We were running from being late." "I was in the shop from buying milk." It's not even shorter than saying it the usual way!
Complaint: It's that time of year again. I was woken this morning by the sound of a pair of snowplows scraping the street outside my home.
Non-complaint: Yesterday was a day of cooking and eating. For breakfast I finished off the last of my Chinese take-out of spicy beef & rice. For lunch I made a casserole of scalloped potatoes w/diced ham chunks, to add to my refrigerator of leftovers (baked beans, lima beans, potatoes), and opened a can of asparagus along with a couple slices of ham. And munched the rest of the day on butter cookies, mixed nuts, pretzels, & halloween chocolates retrieved from their hiding places.

Complaint: My weight this morning was four pounds more than yesterday morning.
Snowplow Blues
I woke up this morning,
Sound of snowplows in my ears.
(The rest writes itself)
Right now I'm wondering why I'm watching a movie named Gladiator. The new one not the old one.
I thought the new one was "Gladiator II"?
You are right. I didn't finish the movie because I wasn't feeling well. I lasted about an hour into it. It wasn't that it was bad, but I didn't feel well.
"Do you like movies about gladiators?"
--Captian Clarence Oveur
Tomorrow football or movie? I looked at the schedule and if I go to the movies I will miss a game I want to see.
Football. The movie will probably still be at the theater for awhile; so you can see it later.
...yeah, Packers v, 49ers. Used to be a pretty hot rivalry back in the 90s though early 2000s
go pack go
I wish I could watch football, but we got rid of our cable because we mostly stream, and I can't get our local channels on our fire TV, not to mention they massively jacked up the rates of basic cable, and we were really only keeping it for me to watch sports. Sad when we stream most stuff, and it cost us considerably less. All of our bills had a big jump about 4 months back, all in the same darn month. The only games I can watch are Thursday and Monday because Amazon Prime airs them. It's really stupid because I get Fox, CBS, ABC on streaming but for "live" it's only the news. They mostly have all the shows that are on those channels. I thought about getting a digital antenna, but all the reviews on Amazon about them aren't even for that product. Instead, you get reviews on cooking utensils, thumb drives, hard drives. I really wish Amazon would field that stuff better and quit allowing people to do that. Faking reviews for products that you're not selling on that page is not very friendly, to say the least.
I don't think you have to have an antenna marked as an HD antenna. Probably any antenna would work. I vaguely recall picking up some local channels by putting a paper clip into the antenna connector and making sure it touched the inside and outside of the connector at the same time.
Perhaps I'm blessed, I have zero interest in football.
(Or baseball, or hocky, or golf, or tennis, or ping-pong, or discus, or javalin, or running, or ... or ... ... ... ...)
BUT, SCUBA is memorably interesting for 30 minutes, men's highbar is good for 15 minutes and trampoline is interesting for a minute or two. But people who jump out of perfectly good airplanes without parachutes need their motivations examined.
I'm not interested in discus either. They are kinda fishie but a big tank way.
I used to like baseball, but when the strike messed up an entire season, I walked away and never looked back.
Never cared about basketball.
SEC football, that's what I watch. Especially Tennessee Volunteers. My state, my team.
I've picked up an interest in soccer, my brother used to help coach his kids. Premier League is very good watching.
My parents hated soccer-football with such a passion that they'd always change to the other channel (Norway had two channels when I was a kid) when the sports segment at the end of the news came on. The announcement of "And now, sports," was always met with a loud "NOOOOOH!" and then Mom would dive for the remote.
Sometimes she already held it aimed when the news anchor said the magical word. Then they'd watch five minutes of whatever was on the other channel, even if it was a documentary on the history of wallpaper. Before there was another channel, they'd mute the TV and leave the room, and I'd be using the Text on TV feature (my internet before the internet
) for five and browse the children's pages. My parents were fairly moderate though, because they only hated football. They'd watch other sports, like skiiing. Some of my relatives were much more.... totalitarian on the subject.
I'm thirsty but it is bed time.
Cut leg-holes into a plastic bag, and wear that to bed.
...yeah they put a serious beat down on the 49rs Sunday, most of it on the ground instead of through the air.
I can't stand stinky restrooms. I can't stand them at all. What should I do if the only restrooms I can use is a stink bomb?
1) Hold it.
2) Get over it. Life isn't always pretty.
3) Soil yourself.
4) Report the offence .
5) Buy a gas mask, gloves and blinders, bring your own seat protectors or make one from toilet paper.
6) Avoid the establishment from now on.
7) Don't put yourself in that situation.
8) Wear diapers.
9) Look harder for an alternative restroom.
10) Be helpful and clean the place yourself.
(see #2)
oops my bad!
This morning I dreamt that someone wanted me to move into a portapotty. Don't know how that would work. I think the bed is in the back of the portapotty.
If you live in a camper van, that's kind of like driving a porta potty with a bed, kitchen nook and TV.
TV? We use our mini camper to avoid the TV. It's about the size of an old VW Combi/Transporter and is just OK for 2 for a week with an awning & not too much rain. No space for a TV.
The porta-potti is for emergencies only, as there are no internal screens.
Our previous Merc MWB Sprinter was rather better as a camper, until it rusted away. That only had 80bhp on a 2. tonne base vehicle, as a result it had worse performance than our '0-60 mph if you're lucky and there's no wind' 2CV (40bhp/tonne Sprinter vs 50bhp/tonne 2CV).
Non-complaint: Yay! Nose doctor appointment this morning was productive. She says the ulcer in my nose is pink healthy flesh again, and no bulging blood vessels threatening to ooze or burst again. Yay!
I celebrated by walking two and a half blocks, uphill, to the TimHorton's for breakfast. Then a toddle across the road to the TOPS grocery store, for some perishable items (100% wheat bread, milk, salad greens, bananas, apples) and some extravagances (pulpy orange juice, honey, Gouda cheese, blue cheese & a small pecan pie). All in all, a good day.
Complaint: The coming holiday and weekend here will be snowy.
I need to put away the cookies I just baked for Turkey Day before going to bed.