Diffeomorphic Add-ons Version 4.2.1 Released
It is time for a new stable release of the DAZ Importer and the other Diffeomorphic add-ons. The main novelty is that the add-ons have been converted to Blender extensions in Blender 4.2, cf the posts on Blender Extensions and GPL and Addon Scripting and Blender Extensions. The add-ons can also be installed in earlier versions of Blender. As usual, several bugs have also been fixed.
The DAZ Studio export script (export_to_blender.dsa) has also been updated and should be copied to the Scripts folder in a DAZ Studio directory. The specialized HD export script (export_highdef_to_blender.dsa) has been merged with the main export script and is now obsolete. Old versions of the script still work in most situations.
DAZ Importer
The DAZ Importer is a Blender add-on for importing native DAZ Studio files (.duf, .dsf) into Blender. It also contains some tools to make the assets more animation friendly.
MHX Runtime System
The MHX Runtime System is a Blender add-on for posing the MHX rig, that can be generated by the DAZ Importer.
BVH and FBX Retargeter
The purpose of the BVH and FBX Retargeter is loading animations from BVH or FBX files to a given armature, and editing these animations in various useful ways. It can also import facial animations in FaceCap, LiveLink, VMD and FBX formats.
The next two add-ons were recently spawned from the DAZ Importer in order to keep down its size somewhat. They contain rather specialized tools that are probably not of interest to most users. They are also poorly documented and result in warnings about policy errors. The the previous release there was a third add-on for exporting pose presets back to DAZ Studio, but that has been merged with the main DAZ Importer add-on again.
Important: The DAZ Importer must be enabled first, before any of these two add-ons can be used.
DAZ Rigging
Some specialized tools for rigging certain types of figures, link chains and tails.
Shell Editor
Contains some tools for manipulating shells imported from DAZ Studio.Download:
Thank you Thomas !! I've already been using the version for a while... not for a project but for trouble-shooting, hahaha ~~
Thank you so much for all that you do!
Absolutely amazing.
This is really awesome and fits perfectly to my intended workflow. Thank you so much!
Seems like a milestone to me
Holy cow, this tool keeps getting bigger and more powerful. Thanks so much.
And still available via git. I have a Bash script that performs pulls for all and rebuilds the import Zip file for Blender.
Diffeomorphic Add-Ons version 4.2.0 Released
DAZ Importer version 4.1.0 did not work at all with Blender 4.2. The reason is that Blender 4.2 has a strong (or less weak) typing system, which causes almost every button in the DAZ Importer to crash. Therefore it is time for a new stable release of the DAZ Importer and the other Diffemorphic add-ons. The add-ons have been tested with Blender 4.1.0 and 4.2.0 and also briefly with Blender 2.83, and there is a good chance that they will work with intermediate Blender versions too.
Apart from making it possible to use the DAZ Importer in Blender 4.2 at all, there are also some other improvements:
The DAZ Studio export scripts (export_to_blender.dsa and export_highdef_to_blender.dsa) have also been updated and should be copied to the Scripts folder in a DAZ Studio directory. Old versions of the scripts still work in most situations, but the new versions are needed for the improvements of rigid followers and HD import.
DAZ Importer
The DAZ Importer is a Blender add-on for importing native DAZ Studio files (.duf, .dsf) into Blender. It also contains some tools to make the assets more animation friendly.
MHX Runtime System
The MHX Runtime System is a Blender add-on for posing the MHX rig, that can be generated by the DAZ Importer.
BVH and FBX Retargeter
The purpose of the BVH and FBX Retargeter is loading animations from BVH or FBX files to a given armature, and editing these animations in various useful ways.
The next three add-ons were recently spawned from the DAZ Importer in order to keep down its size somewhat. They contain rather specialized tools that are probably not of interest to most users. They are also poorly documented.
Important: The DAZ Importer must be enabled first, before any of these three add-ons can be used.
DAZ Preset Exporter
This add-on contains some tools for creating pose presets and other assets that can be used in DAZ Studio. It has not been updated for Blender 4.2.0.
DAZ Rigging
Some specialized tools for rigging certain types of figures, link chains and tails.
Shell Editor
Contains some tools for manipulating shells imported from DAZ Studio.
Of course materials were tested to work and take advantage with the new eevee. The extended principled method can be used as before, or bsdf with the sss skin should also work much better with the new eevee. Old scenes will be loaded "as is" and may not work correctly with the new eevee with some materials to fix by hand, but this is expected in blender.
Very nice! Have you considered adding your addons to extensions.blender.org ? It would be nice to be able to take advantage of the auto-update feature of their platform.
Amazing job done. You're definitely a life saver, Thomas. And Padone is a great advisor as well.
I only heard about Blender extensions a few weeks ago, but it sounds like a good idea to have more standard distribution channel. I have to learn more about it first, though.
Thank you very much ! @ThomasLarsson
I always use the latest commit version.... found an issue just now. I downloaded the latest export_daz add-on (4.20) in here https://bitbucket.org/Diffeomorphic/export_daz/downloads/ but the add-on could not be activated. Pls help. Thanks !
You have to rename the folder to "import_daz", this is an issue with the bitbucket distribution that Thomas doesn't seem can work around.
https://bitbucket.org/Diffeomorphic/import_daz/wiki/Install/Installing the Blender add-ons
I used the "Save to File" and "Load from File" buttons of the previous version Diffeomorphic a lot. But I notice these are missing in version 4.2. Have these functions been moved somewhere else?
Saving poses in Blender itself isn't sufficient, since (as far as I can tell) this does not save the morphs.
In 4.2.1 "save/load settings" are moved to the addon tab if this is what you mean.
blender preferences > addon > daz importer
Yes the blender asset browser only supports bone animations, so it is limited as for morphs if they're not driven by bones. One way is to import the daz face controls for FACS, this way the FACS morphs are driven by bones and can be saved to the browser.
No, that isn't what I meant. On the DazRuntime-Posing tab, there used to be "Save pose to file" and "Load pose from file" buttons. These saved the pose and the morphs (plus a lot of other stuff if boxes were checked) to a .JSON file. Those buttons are not present in Diffeomorphic 4.2. I want to recover that functionality if possible.
reported to Thomas
update. It's been moved to the rig module, you have to install it separately.
Version 4.2.1 has been released, see first post in this thread.
More updates and things to clone. A nice time to finally have electric back on.
Just in the process to setup the stuff anew. Thanks a lot to Thomas for his continous great work!
The import side stopped working for me in Blender 4.2.2 and for the life of me I cannot figure out how to reinstall it. Are there updated instructions?