Shadow Catcher Plus or Draw Ground ON - No Shadows from Point Light, Spot Light, or Emissives

So, I found an old thread from two years ago with this same issue and it doesn't appear that it has ever been solved.  I replied to that thread, but my reply was deleted.  So, here goes.

I want a transparent surface that catches shadows. ShadowCatcher plus and the Draw Ground ON function under environments accomplish this quite well for HDRI Domes and "Distant Light," but they don't catch the shadows from the Point Light, Linear Point Light, Spotlight, or Emmissive objects, so they don't work for what I currently need. Does anyone know why this doesn't work, or better yet, have a fix for it?

If you want to re-create what I am talking about, turn Draw Ground on, load an object, and set the lighting to scene only.  Put in any of the aforementioned lighting solutions (Point, Linear Point, Spot, Emissive), and you can see, no shadow cast to the ground.  Remove that light, and add a distant light, you will see a shadow.  Remove that distant light, and toss in an HDRI Dome, you will see a shadow.  I have fiddled with every setting in the lights themselves, no dice.  Shadows are cast onto regular surfaces, just not on the transparent shadow catcher type surfaces... 

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